Kristina Virve Gud Mihkelson
Kristina Virve Gud Mihkelson (FGA, born in Enskede, Sweden on 1953-07-22, also known as Kristina Healey and Kristina Clark), was a long-time member of David Berg and Karen Zerby's personal staff. She was married to former Family Care Foundation staff member James Healey until their divorce in 1999. Public records indicate that on December 18, 2002, she married Bryan Edwin Clark in Albuquerque, New Mexico[1] and that on June 23, 2003, she again married Bryan Edwin Clark (it's unclear why she married the same person twice) in Albuquerque, New Mexico.[2] Clark and Mihkelson were last known to be living in San Antonio, Texas with a number of other Family members but it is unclear if they are still married as public records from 2006 refer to her as unmarried.
On November 6, 2000, she purchased a number of properties near Albuquerque, New Mexico that were used as the personal residence of Steven Douglas Kelly and Karen Zerby and their staff for several years. On October 22, 2005, she gave Michael Timothy Brown a Power of Attorney that allowed him to sell the property. One of the witnesses to the document was Donna Kinnikin. Public records indicate Michael T. Brown sold some of the properties on her behalf in April and November 2006.
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