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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

NO.310B MWWNL NO. 2 August 9, 1974

1. DEAR FAMILY: GREETINGS IN JESUS' PRECIOUS NAME! THANK YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN FOR ALL YOUR PRECIOUS LOVE NOTES AND VARIOUS ENCLOSURES, PICTURES, GIFTS, ETC. We cherish and treasure every one, and our two little rooms are virtually lined with your faces!--Which the dear little maids always study and chatter and exclaim about every time they come to clean, We tell them you're our children, family, relatives, adopted children, friends, etc., and they exclaim in amazement, "My, what a big family you have! How many children you have!--So many grandchildren, too!" I tell them that all the pretty girls are all my girlfriends, sweethearts and lovers who write me love letters from all parts of the world to which they exclaim, "My, what a man!" and when they see me studying a ream-thick stack of your letters and reports, etc. in my lap, they say, "So many love letters!"--And I agree! I must be the most loved man in the whole world! I certainly have the most loving children, and you are wonderful! Thanks for your love!

2. IT'S CERTAINLY BETTER TO BE THE MOST LOVED MAN IN THE WORLD THEN THE MOST HATED, OUR BELOVED ENEMY NITLER, who finally resigned today at long last under insurmountable pressure even from the few friends he had left! This way he apparently still hopes to get his presidential pension which he would have lost if he had waited to be impeached and kicked out forcibly! Of course he may still be criminally prosecuted for some of his criminal offenses such as obstructing justice, income tax evasion, illegal use of government agencies for his own perfidious ends, etc. and these may still give him and the Republicans trouble that they'd like to forget about!

3. AND ODDLY ENOUGH THEY EVEN DROPPED THE CHARGES AGAINST HIM FOR HIS WORST CRIMES OF ALL, HIS ILLEGAL BOMBINGS AND MURDEROUS SLAUGHTERS OF POOR INNOCENT CIVILIANS women, children and babies by the thousands in Southeast Asia, and the horrible maiming, crippling, deforming, disfiguring and permanent injuring, suffering and starving of many, many thousands more!--But God will judge him for these some day, as well as his encouragement of the brutal police state methods he used to crush the youth of America and persecute the Children of God!

4. WE CAN ONLY BE THANKFUL THAT WE HAD AN IMPORTANT PART IN HELPING TO BRING ABOUT HIS DOWNFALL by exposing his vicious character, insidious lies, crooked methods, dirty tricks, hypocrisy and hell-bent-for-destruction political chicanery which helped speed America on its road to destruction! Thank God we delivered our souls and warned him and them, so that their blood will not be on our hands! At last many are beginning to believe us! Praise the Lord!

5. THE NEW PRESIDENT HASN'T GOT MUCH OF A RECORD, GOOD OR BAD, EXCEPT THAT HE'S LOYAL PARTY POLITICIAN AND ULTRA-CONSERVATIVE, had few enemies and was virtually unknown, which is why Nitler chose him, so he'd prove no rival. But apparently his own party leaders finally decided that anybody was better than Nixon and nothing could be worse!--And we're not even sure that Nixon's appointment of his own successor was legal or constitutional, as he's the only President I ever heard of who was neither elected by the people nor even chosen by the Congress, although they did put their rubber stamp of approval on him!

6. HERE WAS A MAN, NIXON, WHO WAS SO EVIL EVEN HIS OWN PARTY HAD TO ASK HIM TO RESIGN, AND YET HE WAS GIVEN THE PRIVILEGE OF PERSONALLY CHOOSING HIS SUCCESSOR, THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! What a farce and comedy of errors! America is so confused she doesn't know what to do next and this new nobody is certainly not going to be able to tell her much or lead her out of her dilemma and great confusion, unless he humbles himself in the hand of God and God chooses to have any further mercy on America which I doubt! My personal conviction is that God has seen fit to replace an evil leader with a weak leader for a weakened country who will be unable to solve her problems and thus drift on to her deserved fate to reap the destruction which she herself has sown many times over throughout the world on the helpless poverty-stricken poor of the world!

7. SO THE WORLD IS GOING ACCORDING TO GOD'S PLAN AND AMERICA WILL SOON SUFFER FOR HER SINS! God's wheels of judgment grind exceeding slow, but they grind exceeding fine! Whatsoever a nation soweth, that shall she also reap, and every nation that forgets God shall be turned into Hell on earth and Hell hereafter! So it shouldn't be long now! His word never fails! PTL!

8. GOD IS ALSO ANSWERING OUR PRAYERS IN OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD, AS YOU CAN SEE BY THE NEWS, AND PARTICULARLY IN CYPRUS at the moment, even as we prayed in "The Sword of the Lord!", a prayer inspired in the Spirit at the time the American-aided Greek military junta overthrew Makarios! They themselves have now all been overthrown, both in Cyprus and in Greece, and the poor Turkish minority has been rescued by powerful Turkish forces which should this time bring a fairer settlement more favourable to the poor of all three countries and us, we hope and pray PTL!

9. WHILE ISRAEL BOMBS POOR PALESTINIAN REFUGEE CAMPS SLAUGHTERING AND MAIMING THE DEFENSELESS WOMEN AND CHILDREN SHE DROVE FROM THEIR PALESTINIAN HOMES, she whimpers that the Palestinians are retaliating with terrorist attacks by a mere handful of Palestinian guerrillas on her borders at the same time loudly complaining that Russia has sent more arms to Syria in the last ten months since the October war than she sent in the entire previous six years after the Six Day War, and that the Arabs and planning a new massive and final attack on Israel within the next six months to a year with Russia's help--exactly as the Bible predicted and we warned!

10. SO ISRAEL IS ASKING THE WORLD WHY SHE SHOULDN'T ATTACK FIRST AND PRE-EMPT THE ARAB STRIKE! Whichever way it happens America will surely try to go to Israel's rescue again, but this next time this could bring about the downfall of them both as so clearly predicted in the Bible! God's Will be done! These robbers of the poor and slaughterers of the innocent and tramplers on the rights and freedoms of others surely both deserve to reap what they themselves have sown! Amen?

11. SO JUST HANG ON AND YOU'LL SEE IT ALL HAPPEN SOONER OR LATER, AS THE LORD HAS PROMISED! "For the generation which sees these things come to pass" your generation "shall not pass away until all these things shall be fulfilled!" Hallelujah! Just keep on delivering your souls by warning the world about it so their blood will not be on your hands when it happens! Amen? Keep sockin' it to these nitwits wit lit and flit when they hit and you've had it! That's it!
Love, Dad

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family}{\rtf1\ansi \deff4\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f4\froman\fcharset0\fprq2 Times New Roman;}}\pard\plain \f4\fs20 NO.310B MWWNL NO. 2 August 9, 1974

1. DEAR FAMILY: GREETINGS IN JESUS' PRECIOUS NAME! THANK YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN FOR ALL YOUR PRECIOUS LOVE NOTES AND VARIOUS ENCLOSURES, PICTURES, GIFTS, ETC. We cherish and treasure every one, and our two little rooms are virtually lined with your faces!--Which the dear little maids always study and chatter and exclaim about every time they come to clean, We tell them you're our children, family, relatives, adopted children, friends, etc., and they exclaim in amazement, "My, what a big family you have! How many children you have!--So many grandchildren, too!" I tell them that all the pretty girls are all my girlfriends, sweethearts and lovers who write me love letters from all parts of the world to which they exclaim, "My, what a man!" and when they see me studying a ream-thick stack of your letters and reports, etc. in my lap, they say, "So many love letters!"--And I agree! I must be the most loved man in the whole world! I certainly have the most loving children, and you are wonderful! Thanks for your love!

2. IT'S CERTAINLY BETTER TO BE THE MOST LOVED MAN IN THE WORLD THEN THE MOST HATED, OUR BELOVED ENEMY NITLER, who finally resigned today at long last under insurmountable pressure even from the few friends he had left! This way he apparently still hopes to get his presidential pension which he would have lost if he had waited to be impeached and kicked out forcibly! Of course he may still be criminally prosecuted for some of his criminal offenses such as obstructing justice, income tax evasion, illegal use of government agencies for his own perfidious ends, etc. and these may still give him and the Republicans trouble that they'd like to forget about!

3. AND ODDLY ENOUGH THEY EVEN DROPPED THE CHARGES AGAINST HIM FOR HIS WORST CRIMES OF ALL, HIS ILLEGAL BOMBINGS AND MURDEROUS SLAUGHTERS OF POOR INNOCENT CIVILIANS women, children and babies by the thousands in Southeast Asia, and the horrible maiming, crippling, deforming, disfiguring and permanent injuring, suffering and starving of many, many thousands more!--But God will judge him for these some day, as well as his encouragement of the brutal police state methods he used to crush the youth of America and persecute the Children of God!

4. WE CAN ONLY BE THANKFUL THAT WE HAD AN IMPORTANT PART IN HELPING TO BRING ABOUT HIS DOWNFALL by exposing his vicious character, insidious lies, crooked methods, dirty tricks, hypocrisy and hell-bent-for-destruction political chicanery which helped speed America on its road to destruction! Thank God we delivered our souls and warned him and them, so that their blood will not be on our hands! At last many are beginning to believe us! Praise the Lord!

5. THE NEW PRESIDENT HASN'T GOT MUCH OF A RECORD, GOOD OR BAD, EXCEPT THAT HE'S LOYAL PARTY POLITICIAN AND ULTRA-CONSERVATIVE, had few enemies and was virtually unknown, which is why Nitler chose him, so he'd prove no rival. But apparently his own party leaders finally decided that anybody was better than Nixon and nothing could be worse!--And we're not even sure that Nixon's appointment of his own successor was legal or constitutional, as he's the only President I ever heard of who was neither elected by the people nor even chosen by the Congress, although they did put their rubber stamp of approval on him!

6. HERE WAS A MAN, NIXON, WHO WAS SO EVIL EVEN HIS OWN PARTY HAD TO ASK HIM TO RESIGN, AND YET HE WAS GIVEN THE PRIVILEGE OF PERSONALLY CHOOSING HIS SUCCESSOR, THE NEXT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! What a farce and comedy of errors! America is so confused she doesn't know what to do next and this new nobody is certainly not going to be able to tell her much or lead her out of her dilemma and great confusion, unless he humbles himself in the hand of God and God chooses to have any further mercy on America which I doubt! My personal conviction is that God has seen fit to replace an evil leader with a weak leader for a weakened country who will be unable to solve her problems and thus drift on to her deserved fate to reap the destruction which she herself has sown many times over throughout the world on the helpless poverty-stricken poor of the world!

7. SO THE WORLD IS GOING ACCORDING TO GOD'S PLAN AND AMERICA WILL SOON SUFFER FOR HER SINS! God's wheels of judgment grind exceeding slow, but they grind exceeding fine! Whatsoever a nation soweth, that shall she also reap, and every nation that forgets God shall be turned into Hell on earth and Hell hereafter! So it shouldn't be long now! His word never fails! PTL!

8. GOD IS ALSO ANSWERING OUR PRAYERS IN OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD, AS YOU CAN SEE BY THE NEWS, AND PARTICULARLY IN CYPRUS at the moment, even as we prayed in "The Sword of the Lord!", a prayer inspired in the Spirit at the time the American-aided Greek military junta overthrew Makarios! They themselves have now all been overthrown, both in Cyprus and in Greece, and the poor Turkish minority has been rescued by powerful Turkish forces which should this time bring a fairer settlement more favourable to the poor of all three countries and us, we hope and pray PTL!

9. WHILE ISRAEL BOMBS POOR PALESTINIAN REFUGEE CAMPS SLAUGHTERING AND MAIMING THE DEFENSELESS WOMEN AND CHILDREN SHE DROVE FROM THEIR PALESTINIAN HOMES, she whimpers that the Palestinians are retaliating with terrorist attacks by a mere handful of Palestinian guerrillas on her borders at the same time loudly complaining that Russia has sent more arms to Syria in the last ten months since the October war than she sent in the entire previous six years after the Six Day War, and that the Arabs and planning a new massive and final attack on Israel within the next six months to a year with Russia's help--exactly as the Bible predicted and we warned!

10. SO ISRAEL IS ASKING THE WORLD WHY SHE SHOULDN'T ATTACK FIRST AND PRE-EMPT THE ARAB STRIKE! Whichever way it happens America will surely try to go to Israel's rescue again, but this next time this could bring about the downfall of them both as so clearly predicted in the Bible! God's Will be done! These robbers of the poor and slaughterers of the innocent and tramplers on the rights and freedoms of others surely both deserve to reap what they themselves have sown! Amen?

11. SO JUST HANG ON AND YOU'LL SEE IT ALL HAPPEN SOONER OR LATER, AS THE LORD HAS PROMISED! "For the generation which sees these things come to pass" your generation "shall not pass away until all these things shall be fulfilled!" Hallelujah! Just keep on delivering your souls by warning the world about it so their blood will not be on your hands when it happens! Amen? Keep sockin' it to these nitwits wit lit and flit when they hit and you've had it! That's it!
Love, Dad

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family}