Individual Report Form

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The Individual Report Form or IRF was a required form to be filled out at the end of each month. It was introduced in January 1979 by David Berg in The IRF!—NRS#7 (DFO#757). This form is no longer in use.

Below is the form used:


(For Family Members who must work part time for your support. GBY!)

Please fill out on the last day of each month & send to us with your tithes & special gifts to: M. John, Postfach 241, 8021 Zurich, Switzerland, using the enclosed pre-addressed envelope if possible. Please remember, "No Report--No Retort!"--Tks! GBY! Fill in only parts applicable to you: "No Retort!"--Tks! GBY! Fill in only parts applicable to you:

Please give your complete ___________________________________ mailing name & address ______________________________________ exactly as it should ________________________________________ appear on your mail.) Nationality __________ Sex__ Age__ Occupation______ ____________________________________________________________

OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS: Legal Name Nationality Sex Age Occupation 1._______________________________________________________________ 2._______________________________________________________________ 3._______________________________________________________________

Sorry, I'm not or can't witness &/or litness, but want the Letters. [EDITED: " "] I'm still witnessing &/or litnessing, & below is my report. [EDITED: " "]
NUMBER WITNESSED TO: Mass (Saw Pied or H.G. sample, etc.) _________________________________ Personal (shared personally or by phone, FFing, Lit, mail, etc.)___ Visitors___________________________________________________________ Media (estimated outreach of TV, radio+news articles)______________ TOTAL WITNESSED TO: (Mass+personal+visitors+media)_________________ News Items: (No. of individual printed articles)____________________ No. of TV, radio shows, broadcast news items:______________________ LITERATURE I PRINTED OR GOT PRINTED BY SYSTEM OR FRIEND (No. pieces) __________________ LITERATURE DISTRIBUTED (Number of pieces)__________________________ CONVERTS (Rec'd Jesus) _______ BAPTISMS (Rec'd Holy Ghost)_________ NEW CC DISCIPLES WON: _____________________________ No. who joined your Family Home ________________


"We will need your Report to know where you're at, & your tithe to help us produce the Word!" (Proclaim Liberty!--696:26.)

We realise that a few may not be able to afford to send in their tithe at this time, but please give what you can to help us & your missionaries. Please try to be as faithful as possible, to help print more Letters in the future & continue to help needy mission fields. Thank you so much for your help in making our World Services a blessing to all! God bless you & continue to make you a blessing! WLY!--M&M & WS.

According to the OP2DM, we will need _____ copies of each Letter, FN, LIN, etc., for our Family.

_________ Is our 10% tithe enclosed for the worldwide work &/or publications of World Services, M&M & Staff support. _________ Is a special gift in addition to our 10% to be used for:_____ _________ Is our total tithe &/or gift enclosed.

(You must send us a minimum of at least $10 per month for copies of all publications each month. Please fill out Page 2 of this form on reverse side.--Tks!)

See also: Sprint Center Monthly Report