Deborah Davis

Deborah Davis (born Linda Berg) is the eldest daughter of David Berg and Jane Miller. As the daughter of the founder, she was a member of the Royal Family. In the early 1970s, the Children of God published and distributed to its members a series of publications on child care and other topics known as the Deborah Letters.
Deborah Davis left the Children of God in April of 1978.[1] In 1984, Zondervan published a book, The Children of God - The Inside Story written by her and Bill Davis. In the book, she told the story of her experiences as the daughter of the group's founder and revealed that her father had sexually molested his daughter Faithy.
After the book was published, The Family published a number of responses to it and solicited testimonies from members to discredit her and Bill Davis:
- This Could Win Us Disciples! (DO 1815, July 1984)
- The Devil's Book!--Dad's First Reactions to Deb's Book & Video of TV Show! (DO 1816, July 1984)
- Thank God for the Victory!--Over Our Vicious Enemies! (DO 1817, July 1984)
- Deborah & Bill Davis' Dirty Book!--The Truth about Their Reign of Terror! (GP 1856, Dec. 1984)
- GN 337: Faith David's Rebuttal (GN 337 DO, Oct. 1988)
Download: Deborah Davis on Flirty Fishing and her father David Berg (1.9MB) — ABC News 20/20: To Bring Her Children Home, 1988-07-15.
More Information
- Davis, Deborah. The Children of God - The Inside Story, Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing, 1984. ISBN 0310278406
- Davis, Deborah. "Coming out," Spiritual Counterfeits Project, Lecture delivered at a conference on cults held in Santa Barbara, Calif., Nov. 1982. OCLC: 15306349
- Lattin, Don. "Daughter of Family's Founder Renounces His Teachings," San Francisco Chronicle, 2001-02-14.
- Ström, Åke V. "The Case of the Children of God/Family of Love," Update IX 3, 1985-09.
Front cover of Deborah's book (Zondervan (US) hardback first edition)
Marshall-Pickering (UK) paperback front cover
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