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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

HEAVEN ON EARTH!--As the Bible Describes It! [EDITED: "The Poster title is "The New Heaven and Earth!""]

       [EDITED: "Pic.1"] 1. YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A PROPHET TO REALISE THAT MANKIND TODAY IS HELL-BENT ON A CRASH COURSE TO CATASTROPHE & that the end of his foolish, wasteful, wanton, destructive rule on Earth is at hand! Just take a good look around you & read the newspapers, watch the news on television or listen to it on the radio, & you'll see that it's evident that today's pressing military, political, economic & environmental crises cannot go on "business as usual" for much longer!
       2. ACCORDING TO BIBLE PROPHECY, COUNTLESS "SIGNS OF THE TIMES" POINTING TO THE FINAL APOCALYPTIC "TIME OF THE END" HAVE ALREADY BEEN FULFILLED, thus we are now living in the Last Days of Man's inhumane kingdoms on Earth! In fact, from all that we can gather from God's Word, the last seven years of Man's history are due to begin within the next few years or even months, & could well be heralded by the arrival of Halley's Comet in 1986! This seven-year period will begin with the rise of a totally Godless, anti-Christ, One-World government which will be led by a Devil-possessed dictator, the bestial Antichrist, who will at first bring temporary peace to the Earth, but the ultimate price will be enforced worship of himself as the imitation Messiah, nuclear war & a final 3-1/2 years of "Great Tribulation"! (Mt.16:3; Dan.8:23-25; 9:27; 11:21-45; Mt.24:15,21; 2Th.2:1-12; Rev.13)
       3. THESE STARTLING EVENTS WILL IMMEDIATELY PRECEDE THE SECOND COMING OF JESUS CHRIST, which is the major Endtime event, the Grand Climax, as the Lord Himself returns & rescues His children from the forces & followers of the Antichrist who will be oppressing & persecuting all who refuse to worship him & his magical talking Image! Jesus is going to say, "Stop the World! I want'm to get off!"--And all of His children will then be caught up together with Him in the clouds! We will rise in immortal victory over the forces of the Devil & the Antichrist, right before the eyes of our enemies, out of their reach forever! (Mt.24:29-31; 1Th.4:15-17; Rev.11:11,12)
       4. JESUS WILL COME RIDING IN THE CLOUDS "WITH POWER & GREAT GLORY" & THE TREMENDOUS, SUPERNATURAL "RESURRECTION OF LIFE" WILL TAKE PLACE, when all the saved who were dead will come to life & their new bodies will burst out of their graves & all of us who are still alive will be raised with them to meet Jesus in the air! In this tremendous Rapture, this glorious, thunderous, lightning-like, Earth-quaking, Heaven-shaking event, every one of God's truly saved, born-again, Christ-trusting, Jesus-loving children will be resurrected, translated & changed, & we will all have new supernatural bodies, our eternal bodies, resurrection bodies like Jesus had when He was resurrected! (Jn.5:29; 1Cor.15:51-55; Phil.3:21; 1Jn.3:2)

       [EDITED: "Pic.2"] 5. IN MANY PLACES THE SCRIPTURES REFER TO GOD'S CHILDREN, HIS CHURCH, AS "THE BRIDE OF CHRIST". (Rom.7:4; 2Cor.11:2; Rev.19:7) And in the Second Coming, Jesus will return to rescue His Bride out of the evil clutches of the Enemy & to take her into His bosom!--A union which will be so thrilling & exciting & will be such ecstasy that it is called the Rapture! Jesus will come for His Church, His Bride, as her Bridegroom, & will catch us up from this World into the air, into His arms, uniting us all as one with Him, & then He'll whisk us away to the grandest, most glorious & thrilling Wedding Party that's ever been held: The "Marriage Supper of the Lamb"! (Rev.19:6-9)
       6. WE WILL BE TAKEN OUT OF THIS OLD WORLD to the great Wedding Feast, the Grand Homecoming Party, the Celebration of the Victory! The Bible calls it the "Marriage Feast of the Lamb" because it will be the great Wedding of the Bride, His Bride--all believers, the entire true Church of God, the true believers in Christ, all of them counted as one great Bride though it be composed of millions!
       7. THIS GREAT WEDDING PARTY WILL ALSO BE OUR REUNION WITH ALL OF OUR LOVED ONES! It'll be the greatest Family Reunion ever known, with all of your saved loved ones & relatives & children & parents & ancestors & descendants & ascendants & fellow labourers & loves from whom you've been separated, or who have departed already! There we will all be together in one place at the same time, rejoicing & praising the Lord all together in one great, grand, Heavenly Party!

       [EDITED: "Pic.3"] 8. AT THIS TIME ALL OF GOD'S SAVED CHILDREN WILL NOT ONLY GO UP & MEET THE LORD & ENJOY THE WONDERFUL MARRIAGE SUPPER OF THE LAMB, BUT WE'LL ALSO FACE THE "JUDGEMENT SEAT OF CHRIST". (2Cor.5:10) This is not the Great Judgement in which all of the unsaved of all time stand before God Himself to be judged according to their works. (Rev.20:11-15) This Judgement Seat of Christ is when all of the Christians who have ever lived will be judged & rewarded for their faithfulness & their obedience to the Lord in this life.
       9. BUT REMEMBER, THESE REWARDS HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH YOUR SALVATION! Rewards are something you work for & earn by your faithfulness & your diligence & your hard work & your soul-winning! A lot of people get confused by the Bible verses on rewards & crowns & apply them to Salvation, thinking they've got to work for their salvation.--But you can't work for your salvation!--It is a free gift of God! (See Eph.2:8,9; Tit.3:5; Mt.16:27; Rev.22:12.)
       10. WE DON'T EARN SALVATION, WE CAN'T WORK FOR SALVATION--IT'S A GIFT! But we can work for rewards & we can earn special praise & special commendation from the Lord!--A special, "Well done, thou good & faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord!" (Mt.25:21.) He says that some He'll make rulers over one city, some over a few cities, & some over many cities!--"For he that is faithful in that which is least is also faithful in that which is much." (Lk.19:17;16:10) So although your works in this life aren't going to help you get into Heaven, they'll have a great deal to do with your reward, a great deal to do with the way you shine, & a great deal to do with your position once you're there. So "be thou faithful unto death, & I will give thee a crown of life!" (Rev.2:10)

       [EDITED: "Pic.4"] 11. JUST THINK, WE'RE GOING TO BE WITH JESUS!--His Word says, "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, & it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is." (1Jn.3:2) We shall see Him as He is, face-to-face, & be literally like Him, experiencing & revelling in the fulness of His Heavenly Love! It reminds me of that dear old song, "It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus! Life's trials will seem so small, when we see Christ! One glimpse of His dear face, all sorrows will erase! So bravely run the race, till we see Christ!" Hallelujah!
       12. "OH WHAT A DAY THAT SHALL BE WHEN THOU SHALT JOIN WITH ME IN MY KINGDOM TO REIGN WITH ME FOR EVERMORE! Thou shalt have such joy that thou hast never known, & thou shalt see such glories that thou hast never seen, & thou shalt know that it has been worth it all, all that thou hast suffered & all that thou shalt yet go through. (2Co.4:17)
       13. "IF THOU COULDST SEE THAT WHICH IS IN STORE FOR THEE, the things I have prepared for thee, if thou couldst feel that which I feel for thee, the joy thou shouldst know in time to come, thou shouldst be overjoyed for that which is to come! For thou shalt experience joys which thou hast never known! This shall be a compensation unto thee & a recompense & thou shalt be rewarded!
       14. "FOR AS A YOUNG MAN MARRIETH A VIRGIN, & AS THE BRIDEGROOM REJOICETH OVER THE BRIDE, SO SHALL THY GOD REJOICE OVER THEE! Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown! He that overcometh, & keepeth My works unto the End, to him will I give power over the nations. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My Throne, even as I also overcame, & am set down with My Father in His Throne!" Hallelujah! (Is.62:5; Rev.3:11; 2:26; 3:21)

       [EDITED: "Pic.5"] 15. IMMEDIATELY AFTER HE HAS TAKEN HIS BRIDE, HIS CHILDREN, OUT OF THIS WORLD & INTO HIS HEAVENLY BRIDAL CHAMBER, GOD WILL POUR OUT HIS JUDGEMENTS & WRATH UPON THE ANTICHRIST FORCES BACK ON EARTH, to punish'm & to sock it to'm with what they deserve!--Until finally, when our Wedding Party is over, Jesus Himself, along with all of His resurrected, glorified forces, will return on majestic, white, Heavenly horses in an invasion from Outer Space to win the supernatural, catastrophic Battle of Armageddon which will wipe out the wicked forces of the Antichrist completely! Then we, along with our King Jesus Christ, will take over this World as it now is & clean it up & organise it & rule it & run it the way it should have been run if Man had yielded to & obeyed God! (Rev.19:11-21; 20:1-6)
       16. HE SAYS, "BLESSED & HOLY IS HE THAT HATH PART IN THE FIRST RESURRECTION (The Rapture of the saved): On such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God & of Christ, & shall reign with Him a thousand years!" (Rev.20:6) This 1,000-year period is called the Millennium, when Jesus Christ & His Children will reign supreme over what is left of this World & its unsaved populations.
       17. WE, THE BORN-AGAIN, SAVED, RESURRECTED SAINTS, WILL BE IN OUR POWERFUL NEW SUPERNATURAL BODIES THEN, but the rest of the World, those who have been spared & blessed enough to survive through the Wrath of God & the Battle of Armageddon into the Millennium, are going to still be in their old natural bodies. Therefore life will go on as usual in a lot of ways for them, except for one big difference: We'll be in charge, Jesus & His Kingdom will be the government, & we will rule the Earth! (Rev.1:6)
       18. THEN & ONLY THEN, UNDER THE SUPREME & POWERFUL RULE & REIGN OF CHRIST & GOD'S CHILDREN, WILL ALL WARS FINALLY CEASE & the World at last be governed fairly & well with true justice, liberty, peace, plenty & happiness for all! "And He shall judge among the nations, & shall rebuke many people: & they shall beat their swords into plowshares, & their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more!" (Isa.2:4)--Complete genuine disarmament at last!

       [EDITED: "Pic.6"] 19. DURING THE MILLENNIUM, "THE EARTH SHALL BE FILLED WITH THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE GLORY OF THE LORD, as the waters cover the sea." (Hab.2:14) How do the waters cover the seas?--Completely! So the World will be completely covered with the knowledge of the Lord & the righteous Kingdom of Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!
       20. EVERYONE ON EARTH WILL SEE HIS GLORIOUS POWER & KINGDOM, & EVERYBODY WILL BELIEVE THEN! He even says, "And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, & every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them!" (Jer.31:34) We won't have to say, "Know the Lord!" because everybody will see Him & His Children ruling & reigning on the Earth!
       21. NO LONGER WILL REIGN THE CRUEL, SELFISH, DOG-EAT-DOG PHILOSOPHY WHICH GIVES THE WORLD TO THE STRONGEST & THE MIGHTIEST & in which might is right, as it is today under rebellious, disobedient & perverted Man! But it will be given to those who really have the right to govern because of what today's reprobate Man considers weaknesses: Love & meekness & forgiveness & faith in God & His Word!

       [EDITED: "Pic.7"] 22. AT THE END OF THIS WONDERFUL, 1000-YEAR, MILLENNIAL PERIOD, GOD IS GOING TO COMPLETELY PURGE & PURIFY THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH WITH A FLOOD OF FIRE! (2Pet.3:10; Rev.20:8,9; 21:1) Then God will rebuild a New World on the ashes of the old--"a New Heaven & a New Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness!" (2Pet.3:13) It will be the same ball, the same planet, but with a beautiful renewed surface! He's going to recreate the entire surface of the Earth into a beautiful Garden of Eden! And then His great Heavenly Space City will come down from God out of space to land on that beautiful New Earth!
       23. THE PLACE WHERE ALL OF GOD'S CHILDREN ARE GOING TO DWELL WITH HIM FOREVER IS NOT SOME FANCIFUL DREAMLAND WAY OFF IN OUTER SPACE SOMEWHERE, BUT AN EVEN MORE AMAZING DREAM CITY that's going to come down from God, out of space, to a New Earth!--And God's going to come down & live with us, & we with Him, in that beautiful Dreamtown! We're not going to go to some far-away place called Heaven where God is supposed to live, but we have a real down-to-Earth God Who's going to come live with us & make Heaven on Earth! (Rev.21:2)
       24. THIS GREAT HEAVENLY SPACE CITY WILL COME DOWN TO BE OUR ETERNAL HOME IN PARADISE! It's such a literal down-to-Earth Heaven that Revelation Chapters 21 & 22 describe it & give us the City's exact measurements, colours, materials, etc.! It will stand upon the Earth 1500 miles or 2400 kilometers long, 1500 miles wide & 1500 miles high!--The greatest city ever built, far beyond the wildest dreams of Man! Such a city would cover half of the United States or all of Europe or half of Africa!

       [EDITED: "Pic.8"] 25. THE ENTIRE "CITY IS PURE GOLD, LIKE UNTO CLEAR GLASS"! (Rev.21:18) It's like clear golden-coloured glass, a beautiful crystal gold! So you'll be able to see out of the City through those transparent walls, out onto a beautiful, fully-restored & recreated New Earth which will be populated by new nations & kings & peoples who shall truly have learned the righteousness, goodness & Love of God, even though they be outside the Golden City & its jewelled walls! (Rev.21:1,24-26)
       26. IT SAYS THAT ON THE NEW EARTH THERE WILL BE "NO MORE SEA"! (Rev.21:1) The World as it stands today is only about one-fourth to one-fifth dry land, & the other four-fifths is water! But when God dries up all the seas there's going to be five times as much land to live on, so there'll be plenty of room on Earth for the many who will be living there outside the Heavenly City!

       [EDITED: "Pic.9"] 27. THE CITIZENS OF THE HEAVENLY CITY, GOD'S CHILDREN, WILL BE RULING OVER THOSE WHO ARE LIVING ON THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH OUTSIDE THE CITY. (Rev.22:5) Within the City there's a beautiful River of Life flowing right out of the Throne of God, right through its center, with a park on both sides & Trees of Life that bear twelve different kinds of fruit, & the "leaves are for the healing of the nations". (Rev.22:2) Certainly none of the resurrected saints in their supernatural bodies are going to need healing, so it's obvious that this healing is for the people & nations outside the City!--It says so!
       28. PERHAPS THESE HEALING LEAVES ARE SYMBOLIC OF THE WORDS OF GOD, HIS WORDS OF TRUTH.--Surely we'll go out & be teachers amongst the nations! We who love the Lord will still have a job to do even when we get in that Heavenly City on the New Earth! There'll be all kinds of people outside who will still need the Lord & His healing, & we, His saved supernatural children, will go in & out of the gigantic pearly gates of the City to minister to them!

       [EDITED: "Pic.10"] 29. AND I'M SURE IT WILL BE A JOY & A PLEASURE!--Like giving God's Love & His Gospel of Salvation to folks is a joy to us even now!--We enjoy it! But then we will have full power & control with no dangers, lacks, physical problems, weariness, sickness, sorrow, pain, death, opposition or persecution! Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus!
       30. BY HIS GOODNESS & HIS MERCY & HIS LOVE, THOSE OUTSIDE THE CITY WILL BE TAUGHT TO BELIEVE IN HIM & love Him & obey Him. They may not have immediate access to the Holy City, New Jerusalem, the great Space City, but they will be able to live out on the beautiful New Earth, which, like the original Garden of Eden, will be free of the Curse, & there they will learn how much God loves them & I'm sure they will be very thankful.

       [EDITED: "Pic.11"] 31. IT'S REALLY QUITE A PLAN, A TREMENDOUS DRAMA, & it's thrilling to know that we who love Jesus are not only going to be a part of it, but we'll be the inner circle living within the City, the charmed City, living charmed lives as eternal supernatural beings in supernatural bodies!--The Bible makes it clear that only the saved will live in the City! (Rev.21:24,27)
       32. ARE YOU READY FOR IT? ARE YOU GOING TO BE ABLE TO WALK IN THAT GREAT HEAVENLY CITY? All you have to do is ask Jesus to come into your heart, & you'll be granted instant, permanent citizenship to that golden Heavenly City! Do you want to know what Heaven & Eternal Life are like? You can have a real sample & taste of it right here & now!--Heaven in your heart, in your life, in your family & in your home, here & now, if you'll just take Jesus into your heart, into your life, into your home, & ask your loved ones to receive Him too!
       33. WE WHO HAVE JESUS IN OUR HEARTS HAVE A LITTLE BIT OF HEAVEN ALREADY!--Heavenly hearts, Heavenly Homes, Heavenly loved ones & Heavenly work to do for the Lord, bringing the Heaven of His Love to others! We're already having a Heaven-of-a-wonderful time even right here on Earth! And thanks to Jesus we have only happiness & joy & beautiful eternal rewards to look forward to in the next life because we have received His free gift of Eternal Life!--Have you?
       34. IF NOT, PRAY & RECEIVE JESUS NOW! He says, "Behold, I stand at the door (of your heart), & knock: if any man hear My voice, & open the door, I will come in to him!" (Rev.3:20) Sincerely pray this simple prayer & He will come in right now:
       35. "LORD JESUS, PLEASE FORGIVE ME FOR ALL MY SINS. I believe You died for me. I believe You are the Son of God, & I now ask You to come into my life. I open the door & I invite You, Jesus, to please come into my heart. Help me to love You & to love others by telling them about You & Your Love. Help me to read Your Word & understand it by Your Spirit. In Jesus' name I pray, amen."
       36. GOD BLESS YOU WITH HIS LOVE & HEAVENLY SALVATION HERE, NOW & FOREVER! We would be happy to send you more Heavenly information & other gorgeous Colour Posters if you'll write us at the address below! God bless you! We love you!--Do it now & enjoy Heaven Forever!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family