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From XFamily - Children of God
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m (Press concerning The Family by Don Lattin)
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'''Don Lattin''' is an Author and Religion writer for the [http://www.sfgate.com/chronicle/ San Francisco Chronicle] and author of ''Following Our Bliss''.
'''Don Lattin''' is an Author and Religion writer for the ''[[:Category:Press:San Francisco Chronicle|San Francisco Chronicle]]'' and author of ''Following Our Bliss''.
Over the years, he has written extensively on stories relating to [[The Family International]] (see below).
Over the years, he has written extensively on stories relating to [[The Family International]] (see below).
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* [[San Francisco Chronicle: Hewlett grant went to cult-linked charity]] — 2005-02-12
* [[San Francisco Chronicle: Hewlett grant went to cult-linked charity]] — 2005-02-12
* [[San Francisco Chronicle: Mixed Memories of 'The Family' Sex: Ex-member believed abuse 'normal']] — 2005-02-27
* [[San Francisco Chronicle: Mixed Memories of 'The Family' Sex: Ex-member believed abuse 'normal']] — 2005-02-27
*[[IRE Journal: Records, sources help show link between charity, religious sect]] — 2005-09-01
* [[San Francisco Chronicle: Mixed Memories of 'The Family' Love: Current sect members think so]] — 2005-02-27
* [[IRE Journal: Records, sources help show link between charity, religious sect]] — 2005-09-01
==External link==
==External link==
[http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books&field-author=Don%20Lattin/103-4246359-0379038 Don Lattin on Amazon.com]
[http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/search-handle-url/index=books&field-author=Don%20Lattin/103-4246359-0379038 Don Lattin on Amazon.com]
See also: [[:Category:Press]]
[[Category:Press:San Francisco Chronicle]]

Revision as of 04:10, 16 December 2005