MediaWiki talk:Whitelistedittext

From XFamily - Children of God
Revision as of 06:49, 28 February 2006 by Panglossolalia (talk | contribs) ({{PAGENAMEE}} instead of {{PAGENAME}})

My editor's login link which uses the returnto URL variable does not work when article titles contain spaces, as the {{PAGENAME}} variable puts the spaces into the content, and external links in the [url linktext] format interpret the first space as the start of the link text. Anyone know how to fix this? Otherwise we can use a login link without the returnto URL variable. --Monger 02:38, 26 February 2006 (PST)

I think I fixed this by using {{PAGENAMEE}} instead of {{PAGENAME}}. - Help:Page name - Variables PAGENAME and PAGENAMEE has some more details on this. Peter F. 22:49, 27 February 2006 (PST)