Vivian Shillander

From XFamily - Children of God
Revision as of 00:40, 17 June 2005 by Monger (talk | contribs) (added additional info)

In 1987, Vivian Shillander, a former member of The Family, received legal custody of her children and took them from her husband, Richard Shillander, who was with the Family in Thailand. Her story was televised on the ABC program "20/20" in July 1988.

David Berg reacted by writing a harsh letter to The Family cursing Vivian and advising members to be prepared to give their lives to defend the group's "rights" and its children from "the Devil's system." He counselled Vivian's husband – still a member of the cult – to move near his ex-wife's residence in South Dakota, infiltrate her home, convince her that he had repented, and then steal the children and disappear with them. The letter's content is extremely violent, and it specifically instructs members not to give in to law-enforcement officials who knock on their doors – and to be willing to die in defense of their homes.


More information

  • Desperate Measures: The Gripping Drama of a Private Investigator's Dangerous Mission to Free a Mother's Young Children from a Bizarre Religious Cult – by Michael Intravia — ISBN 0849990270

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