Cassandra Mooney
Mooney has served as a member of the Activated Ministries Board of Directors since the organization was formed in 1999. She has been a member of The Family International since 1972.
In an interview with the San Fransisco Chronicle, Mooney spoke of her life in The Family:
"I love my girls and would never let anyone touch them,” she said. "I was in the Family 5 1/2 years until I had sex -- and that was with my husband. We were prudish in a sense. I was a very wild hippie before I joined the Family, so that was a big change for me.”
Mooney concedes that changed in the mid-1970s, when the sect's founder, David "Moses" Berg, directed his female followers to practice "flirty fishing,” which allowed them to seduce male converts.
Asked whether she engaged in flirty fishing (or FFing) in the 1970s, Mooney replied, "Very little.”
"When it first started happening, we were in Beirut, Lebanon, which was a difficult place to do it,” Mooney said.
"FFing was going out and meeting lonely people and witnessing to them. If it happened that we had an attraction or wanted to have sex, our religion did not forbid that. It wasn't prostitution. It was witnessing.”
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