Barry Gerard Prendergast
Barry Gerard Prendergast (aka Zach or Zack) is a U.S. citizen who in February 1997 founded the Colorado non-profit corporation Family Services Colorado, Inc. In July 1999, Mr. Prendergast and his spouse Naomi Prendergast received the "Parents of the Year" award from the National Parents Day Foundation at a ceremony on Capitol Hill. Former members of The Family International who heard of the award identified Mr. Prendergrast as a member of the cult who had abused children at a Victor Camp in Italy in the 1980s. After inquiries from Houston Chronicle reporter Evan Moore and others, the Prendergasts returned the award.
More information
- Tribute to Naomi and Zack Prendergast — Statement by former U.S. Representative Scott McInnis of Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, 1999-07-21
- "National Parents Day Award goes to Cult Member," Ron Jones, soc.religion.christian, 1999-08-04
- Houston Chronicle: Past returns to haunt 'Parent of the Year' — 1999-08-04
- Daily Camera: Parenting Award Controversial — 1999-08-06
- Rocky Mountain News: Longmont dad denies ties to 'happy hookers' — 1999-08-06
- Colorado Springs Gazette: Man who returned parenting award denies ties to cult — 1999-08-07
- The Independent: Parent of the Year `ran camp for cult' — 1999-08-07
Download: ABC "Extra" on the Prendergast 'Parent of the Year' controversy (3:12, 1.2MB) — 1999-08-06
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