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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.

[EDITED: "STOP THAT FALSE PROPHET"]!--A Prayer.       14/12/87       DO 2407

       1. [DELETED] Rebuke that fiendish, devilish, idiotic country, Lord, that tries to deprive the World of oil! Rebuke them in the Name of Jesus! Conquer them, Lord, in Jesus' name! Shut'm up! Rebuke them in Jesus' name! Oh God, [DELETED] [EDITED: "T"]hose evil devils! My God, destroy them in the Name of Jesus! Help the U.S. to do something & not just go gliding by protecting a few vessels, Lord, but help them to destroy those evil, evil, horrible, fiendish, devilish people & all their speedboats!--Those horrible people who are killing the crews & destroying the oil boats, Lord, in Jesus' name!
       2. Rebuke them, Lord, in the Name of Jesus! [DELETED] Destroy those horrible [EDITED: "people"] in the Name of Jesus! Rebuke their offensive, Lord! [DELETED] Give them what they deserve, Lord, in Jesus' name! [EDITED: "Stop"] those [EDITED: "people"], Lord! [DELETED] My God, [EDITED: "stop"] that evil, horrible, horrible, terrible False Prophet! (See No.1756.) [EDITED: "Stop"] him! In Jesus' name, [EDITED: "stop"] him! My God, [EDITED: "stop"] him, & [EDITED: "stop"] all his people! [EDITED: "Stop"] those horrible [EDITED: "people"] in Jesus' name! Help them right now to lose the war, in Jesus' name!
       3. Defeat their speedboats, Lord, rebuke them & help their weapons not to work! They're killing all those poor crewmen & setting all those boats on fire! My God, rebuke them in the Name of Jesus! Destroy them, Lord! Help [EDITED: "their enemies"] to destroy them! Help the Americans to destroy them & quit just taking it! Lord God, if they have to have a war, give them a war, Lord! Destroy those evil people, Lord, before they destroy the Earth! In the Name of Jesus we ask Thee to rebuke those horrible [EDITED: "people"] & that horrible False Prophet! Resist them, in the Name of Jesus! Rebuke them & destroy them, Lord, in the Name of Jesus! Lord, help [EDITED: "that other country"] & the U.S. to win the war, in Jesus' name, amen!
       4. Rebuke that evil nation & those evil people, made evil by their False Prophet, Lord! In the Name of Jesus, resist them, in Jesus' name! Give the victory, Lord, to the people who are in the right! Give the victory, Lord, to those who would give the World oil & fuel, in the Name of Jesus!--Not those evil, wicked, vile, filthy, self-righteous [EDITED: "people"]! In the Name of Jesus, Lord, give Thy forces victory! Help them to fight! Help them to fight, Lord! Help the Americans to fight! Give them the guts to fight, Lord, to destroy [EDITED: "those people"]!--To go to war & destroy them, Lord! They're evil, they're devilish, fiendish, diabolical, Lord!
       5. In the Name of Jesus destroy that God-damned False Prophet & his evil people, Lord! [EDITED: "Stop"] him, Lord! I want to see him [EDITED: "stopped"], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop"] him, Lord, in Jesus' name! Don't let him live any longer! In the Name of Jesus, [EDITED: "stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! I command it in the Name of Jesus, [EDITED: "stop him"], Lord! Have him die now, in the Name of Jesus! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, [EDITED: "stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"] right now! I rebuke you, Satan, in the Name of Jesus! I rebuke you, [EDITED: "False Prophet"], in the Name of Jesus! I rebuke you, you foul, evil, prophet, you false prophet! I rebuke you in the Name of Jesus!
       6. [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, in Jesus' name! I command You, Lord, to [EDITED: "stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, in the Name of Jesus, who's leading all those poor people astray, in the Name of Jesus! The poor [EDITED: "people"], it's not really their fault, Lord, but that horrible false prophet has led them astray! [EDITED: "Stop him"], in Jesus' name! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! I want to see him [EDITED: "stopped"], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, [EDITED: "stop him"]! In Jesus' name [EDITED: "stop him"]! Get done with this ridiculous, horrible war that's strangling the World for fuel, Lord, & oil! [EDITED: "Stop him"], in Jesus' name, Lord!
       7. Lord, I command You in the Name of Jesus, You promised, Lord, "If any two of you shall agree on Earth as touching anything they ask of the Father, I will do it!"--Mat.18:19. Now I command You, Lord, in Jesus' name to [EDITED: "stop"] that evil, foul False Prophet [DELETED], in the Name of Jesus, [EDITED: "stop him"]!--In Jesus' name!--And do it now, Lord, before he does any more God-damned damage to the World, strangling the World for oil.--In the Name of Jesus! TYL!
       8. [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop"] that evil devil, that evil Satan! He's the great Satan, he's the evil devil that's causing all this trouble, Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, in the Name of Jesus! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! He's a God-damned liar, False Prophet! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, in the Name of Jesus! In Jesus' name, amen! PTL! TYJ!
       9. Lord, do it! I can't stand any more of that God-damned foul False Prophet! Do it! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, for leading that whole nation astray! He's a liar & a False Prophet, a false leader, Lord! My God, [EDITED: "stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, in the Name of Jesus! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, in Jesus' name! I ask You, we agree together, Lord, in the Name of Jesus! Anything we ask of the Father, You said, in My Name, if we agree together, that You would do it! Now [EDITED: "stop him"]! In the Name of Jesus, I ask You to [EDITED: "stop him"], in Jesus' name! TYL!--For leading those poor [EDITED: "people"] astray! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! It's time to [EDITED: "stop him"], Lord!
       10. I'm sick & tired of the World having to be worried with him, Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"], & those God-damned civil guards or whatever they're called [DELETED], Civil Guards, they're uncivil! They're anything but civil, Lord!
       11. Help the Americans to have the guts to do the right thing, Lord, to fight & destroy them [DELETED], Lord! They're shooting & killing scores of poor sailors & setting big ships on fire, Thy ships of oil for fuel around the World in the cold countries that need it! They're destroyers, Lord! Absolute destroyers! [EDITED: "Stop"]'m, Lord, in Jesus' name!
       12. I command You, Lord, according to Your Word, to [EDITED: "stop"] those God-damned [EDITED: "people"] & that God-damned False Prophet [DELETED] in the Name of Jesus, Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! Hallelujah! TYJ! PTL! Amen, Lord! TYJ! Hallelujah! The Lord's going to answer prayer & [EDITED: "stop"] that God-damned false, evil, great Satan, Satan himself in the form of that False Prophet who is leading millions astray, all those [EDITED: "people"] & many others! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! In the Name of Jesus I command You to [EDITED: "stop him"]! You promised to obey our prayers, Lord. You said, "Command thou Me!"--Isa.45:11. We command You in the Name of Jesus to [EDITED: "stop him"]! I want to see him [EDITED: "stopped"], Lord, in the Name of Jesus, I want You to [EDITED: "stop him"], Lord! TYJ! PYL! Hallelujah! I want to see it, Lord!
       13. Lord, do it, now! Do it tomorrow! Do it this week! [EDITED: "Stop"] that God-damned evil bum, that Satanic False Prophet, Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! Show his followers he's not immortal, he's not invulnerable! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, in the Name of Jesus! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! I command You, Lord, in Jesus' name, if You love me, if I'm Your Prophet, I want You to [EDITED: "stop"] that God-damned False Prophet [DELETED] in the Name of Jesus! Amen! TYL!--So the World can get the oil, Lord, & have the fuel they need to bless Thy children!
       14. [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! In the Name of Jesus, [EDITED: "stop him"]!--Leading whole nations astray, whole peoples, killing thousands & thousands of people, sending little children to the front, Lord, to go into the mine fields, slaughtering thousands of little ones!--Merciless, evil, vile, filthy, wicked, horrible, cruel False Prophet [DELETED], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"] so the World will see he's a False Prophet! [EDITED: "Stop him"] in such a way they'll know he's a False Prophet! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, in the Name of Jesus! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! My God, [EDITED: "stop him"]! In Jesus' name I command You to [EDITED: "stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord!
       15. He's the evil one that's leading them all astray, [EDITED: "stop him"]! Now, Lord, in Jesus' name! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! Lord, if You ever answered my prayers, if I am Thy Prophet, [EDITED: "stop"] that evil horrible wicked False Prophet [DELETED]! In the Name of Jesus, [EDITED: "stop him"], Lord! For the sake of Thy children, Lord, for the sake of their heat, their oil, their fuel! [EDITED: "Stop"] that God-damned evil snake, that serpent, that viper, that dragon, that horrible, evil, Satanic [EDITED: "False Prophet"]! In the Name of Jesus, [EDITED: "stop him"], Lord! I want to hear that he's dead, in Jesus' name! Dead! Dead! [EDITED: "Stop him"]!--In Jesus' name! PYL! Hallelujah! TYJ!
       16. Lord, if You're my God, if You're my Saviour, if You're my Lord, if You're true, if You answer prayer, if You answer our prayers like we've asked You, Lord, in Jesus' name, [EDITED: "stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"] soon, quick, & stop all this evil war with these God-damned evil people that have been led astray by this False Prophet!
       17. I rebuke you, [EDITED: "False Prophet"], in the Name of Jesus! I see your face, you evil False Prophet, you God-damned Satanic evil dragon! God damn you, [EDITED: "False Prophet"]! Die!--In the Name of Jesus! Die, in the Name of Jesus!--Like you've killed Christians, you've killed innocent people! Die in the Name of Jesus! Die, [EDITED: "False Prophet"]! God damn you, [EDITED: "False Prophet"], in Jesus' name! [DELETED] You do it, Lord, now [EDITED: "stop him"] in Jesus' name! This one that withholds the fuel & tries to starve the World of the warmth that it needs to live! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, [EDITED: "stop him"], in Jesus' name!
       18. If I am Thy Prophet, Lord, I want to hear an answer to prayer, that you have [EDITED: "stopped"] [EDITED: "that False Prophet"]! In the Name of Jesus we ask you! Are you agreeing with me, Honey? (Maria: Amen!) In Jesus' name, we agree together, You promised, Lord! I want You to [EDITED: "stop him"], & it's time to [EDITED: "stop him"], Lord, he's done enough damage, he's done enough evil, done enough horrible slaughter of tens of thousands of even little children there, Lord! My God, [EDITED: "stop"] this evil monster! Destroy him, Lord, in the Name of Jesus! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, in Jesus' name I command You to [EDITED: "stop him"], Lord! It's time to [EDITED: "stop"] this evil monster! My God, destroy him! [EDITED: "Stop him"], in Jesus' name! TYJ! Hallelujah! PYL!
       19. I want to hear that he's gone, he's killed, he's dead, no longer deceiving & destroying the millions all across the Muslim World! Show them, Lord, he's vulnerable, he's mortal, he's evil, & he's dead! In the Name of Jesus, [EDITED: "stop"] this evil monster, the Beast [DELETED], the False Prophet [DELETED], in the Name of Jesus!
       20. I see your evil face! God damn you in the Name of Jesus! I God damn you! I damn you! [DELETED] In Jesus' name, Lord, You can, now do it! [EDITED: "Stop him"], destroy him, before he perverts the whole World, Lord, in Jesus' name! He's the biggest evil in the World!--Not Russia or Communism, but that God-damned evil False Prophet [DELETED]! [EDITED: "Stop him"]!
       21. Now Lord, if You are God at all, if you answer our prayers at all, in the Name of Thy Son Jesus Christ, [EDITED: "stop"] that God-damned evil serpent, that monster, that Satanic dragon, Lord, deceiving the World! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! We command You, in Jesus' name, to [EDITED: "stop him"]! Right now, Lord, in Jesus' name! Right now, Lord, if possible! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! Make him die, Lord! He deserves to die, a thousand deaths he deserves to die! He deserves ten thousand million deaths, Lord, for all the people he's killed, the children he's killed, the poor little children he's sent to their deaths in this God-damned horrible evil war!
       22. My God, give [EDITED: "that opposing country"] the victory, Lord! Give [EDITED: "that opposing country"] the victory! [EDITED: "The other country's"] not perfect nor sinless, Lord, but they are the right side--give them the victory to [EDITED: "stop"] this God-damned evil serpent, this weasel, this terrible monster, this God-damned False Prophet. [DELETED] In the Name of Jesus help'm to [EDITED: "stop him"]! TYL! TYJ! In Jesus' name, do it, Lord! TYL! TYJ! Amen, Lord, do it! Lord, we expect to hear some news that [EDITED: "he"] is dead, destroyed, died, killed, as he deserves to be killed, as he's killed tens of thousands of Thy creations, Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"]!
       23. Amen! TYJ! Hallelujah! The Lord's going to do it! He's got to do it! May God help the World to wake up to the evilness & vileness of [EDITED: "those people"]! My God, rebuke their evil representatives, the evil ambassadors of [EDITED: "that country"] who are still deceiving so many countries! Wake the World up, Lord, to what's right & what's good, & to the evil vileness, the wickedness, the horrible monstrousness of [EDITED: "those people"], Lord, under [EDITED: "that False Prophet"], in Jesus' name! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, in the Name of Jesus!
       24. Lord, if You ever answered prayer, answer it now! [EDITED: "Stop him"], in Jesus' name! TYL! Amen! TYJ! The Lord's going to do it. End his vile, wicked, evil life, Lord! Destroy him, Lord, or destroy me! If you're my God, show Yourself! Destroy him! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! And if You don't love me, if You don't care, if You don't answer prayer, if I'm wrong, Lord, then kill me! Kill me! But my God, I know he's wrong, I know he's evil! He's a False Prophet of vengeance & evil, filth & vileness & wickedness, of self-righteousness, of those evil evil people! My God!
       25. Forgive us for not praying more for the Shah, Lord! Forgive us for not praying for him that he should survive, because he was favourable to us, Lord. His wife & others were favourable to us, Lord. But we just let him go. We let that evil, vile, filthy prophet take over, Lord. Forgive us, Lord, for not praying more, in Jesus' name!
       26. [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! Lord, if you ever answered my prayers, do it now! [EDITED: "Stop"] that wicked evil monster, in the Name of Jesus, [EDITED: "stop him"], Lord, so he'll stop killing all those children & killing all those [EDITED: "people"]! Stop him right now while he's trying to mount a major offensive against [EDITED: "that opposing country"]! Stop him, Lord, in the Name of Jesus!
       27. We know it has to come from Bosra sooner or later, but stop him now, Lord! Postpone the judgement a little longer, in Jesus' name! We know the Israelis deserve it, Lord, we know the World deserves it. In Jesus' name, Lord, [EDITED: "stop"] that monster, that wicked, evil, vile, filthy thing, that self-righteous evil monstrous dragon [EDITED: "False Prophet"], full of thy evil, Devil! Full of your Satanic awful horrible wisdom, Satan! I rebuke you, Satan, in the Name of Jesus! I rebuke your devil [EDITED: "False Prophet"] in the Name of Jesus! I resist you, Satan, in the Name of Jesus!
       28. Lord God, [EDITED: "stop"] this man, this horrible, evil, vile man that's leading millions astray, in the Name of Jesus! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! I command You in Jesus' name to [EDITED: "stop him"]! Now! We need it now! [EDITED: "Stop him"] now, in Jesus' name! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! TYL!
       29. Lord, You've answered other prayers & other battles & other fights! You've given Thy side the victory many times, Lord! I ask Thee now, Lord, to [EDITED: "stop him"], in Jesus' name! Lord God, if You're not going to [EDITED: "stop him"], then You might as well kill me! If [EDITED: "he's"] not a False Prophet & You're not going to [EDITED: "stop him"], Lord, You might as well kill me! Lord God!
       30. If [EDITED: "he's"] good, if he's right, Lord, if he's not a False Prophet, then Lord, I am, & you might as well kill me. But Lord God, I know I love You & You told me right, Lord! You revealed Thy Truth to me, Lord, helped me to lead Thy children aright, Lord, millions all over the World, Lord! Now it's time to rebuke that God-damn evil False Prophet who is killing millions of Thy children, Lord! I want You to [EDITED: "stop him"], [EDITED: "stop him"] now! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! He's killing millions, Lord! He's leading millions astray! He's hurting the whole World, Lord, strangling them from the fuel they need & the oil they need. [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, in Jesus' name!
       31. Lord God, I want You to [EDITED: "stop him"]! In the Name of Jesus [EDITED: "stop him"]! You know he's evil, Lord! Now stop him & [EDITED: "stop him"] & do it now, Lord, in Jesus' name! I want him to die now, so they'll lose their leader, their evil False Prophet leader! Amen, Lord, I demand it, I command it, Lord! It's time to [EDITED: "stop"] that evil man, destroy him & his people, in the Name of Jesus, Lord!
       32. The best thing that could happen in this war right now is for [EDITED: "him"] to die! Take him to Hell where he belongs, Lord, & may he suffer the torments of Hell that he's meted out to millions, in Jesus' name! Give him Hell, Lord, he deserves it! Let him fall into the Pit right now, Lord, in Jesus' name! Take him to the Pit! Take him to Hell, Lord, with all the foul vileness & flames, the Lake of Burning Flames, Lord! Take the False Prophet now, in Jesus' name! May he feel the flames of Thy breath of Hell!
       33. In the Name of Jesus, destroy him, [EDITED: "stop him"], Lord! It's time to [EDITED: "stop him"], Lord, in Jesus' name. If You love me at all, Lord, if You know I'm Thy Prophet, Lord, do this thing right now, Lord, for us! Do it for me, Lord! Do it for me, Lord! It's time to [EDITED: "stop him"]! You know it, Lord, it's time to [EDITED: "stop him"], it's time to destroy him before he leads the whole World astray & deprives the whole World of fuel & oil. Rebuke him in the Name of Jesus! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, in Jesus' name! Send him straight to the Lake of Fire, to Hell, to burn, where he belongs! In the Name of Jesus I want You to do it, Lord, do it! Now do it, in Jesus' name! TYL! Amen!
       34. If You love me, Lord, if I'm Thy Prophet, answer prayer & destroy this evil monster who's leading so many astray, so many young people! Destroy him! Show them, Lord, his vulnerability! Show them his non-immortality! Show them his futile, frail, mortal weakness of death! He's not invulnerable, he's not immortal, he's a poor, weak, frail, evil, wicked, horrible man who's fighting against You, Lord, & against Thy people, against the whole World, in Jesus' name!
       35. Rebuke him, Lord, in Jesus' name! We resist him, Lord, in Jesus' name! Destroy him, Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! I want You to [EDITED: "stop him"] & I want You to [EDITED: "stop him"] now, Lord, in Jesus' name! TYJ! PYL! He deserves it, Lord! Preserve Thy people, Lord! Preserve Thy World, preserve the poor who need fuel oil to help to keep warm! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, the one who would strangle the World, that evil monster who wants to kill the World! [EDITED: "Stop him"], right now, & his evil guards, his so-called Civil Guards, those speedboats! [EDITED: "Stop"]m, Lord! Help the U.S. to really [EDITED: "stop"]m! Lord help'm to get in there & [DELETED] rebuke'm! They keep killing people, poor crews of the oil boats, Lord!
       36. [EDITED: "Stop"]'m, Lord! [EDITED: "Stop"] those God-damned Civil Guards! [EDITED: "Stop"] those God-damned speedboat people, Lord, who are gunning & killing the poor crewmen of those oil boats, Lord! [EDITED: "Stop"] them, Lord! Help the U.S. to do something about it, to really get busy & [EDITED: "stop"] some of those horrible people, Lord, those speedboats that kill, who are destroying crews & poor crew members, burning up the boats & the oil! Rebuke them in the Name of Jesus! I rebuke you, Satan, in Jesus' name!
       37. Lord, if we're Thy Prophets, we're Thy people, answer our prayers, Lord, in Jesus' name! Rebuke those God-damned evil speedboats that destroy! Rebuke those God-damned evil so-called Civil Guards [DELETED], in the Name of Jesus! Destroy them, Lord! Help the U.S. Navy to do something about it! Help them to [EDITED: "stop"]m & destroy'm, Lord, those that kill Thy children & kill Thy people, so many now. In Jesus' name, [EDITED: "stop"]m! Wipe out their bases, Lord, wipe out their boats, wipe out their weapons, Lord, & [EDITED: "stop"] their God-damned leader[DELETED]!
       38. Send him to Hell, Lord! Send him to the Lake of Fire! Burn him up, in the Name of Jesus!--This evil monster, this False Prophet who claims to represent You, God, & all he represents is you, Devil! He just represents you, Satan, that's all. He's a monster, an evil False Prophet of you, Satan! I rebuke you, Satan, in the Name of Jesus! Lord, rebuke Satan! Rebuke [EDITED: "that False Prophet"]! Rebuke his evil false prophets! Rebuke his evil people!
       39. In the Name of Jesus, settle this war, Lord! It's time to settle it, Lord, it's time to stop it, & all the damage it's doing & all the people it's killing & all the oil it's stopping! In the Name of Jesus, do it, Lord! Do it right now, in Jesus' name! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! He's the source of all this evil, Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! TYL! Amen, TYJ!
       40. [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, that's our prayer, that's our command, that's our mission, Lord, to pray & exhort You to [EDITED: "stop him"] in the Name of Jesus! Lord God, if I am Thy Prophet at all, Lord, if I am Thy true servant, then hear my prayers & [EDITED: "stop him"]! If [EDITED: "he"] is Thy Prophet, if he's Thy servant, then kill me. I know he's not, Lord, he's an evil monstrous beast who's killing millions, destroying millions, leading millions astray! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, in the Name of Jesus! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! Have mercy on us & [EDITED: "stop him"]! Have mercy on the World & [EDITED: "stop him"] before he destroys the Earth! In the Name of Jesus, [EDITED: "stop"] this evil monster, this evil beast, this emissary of Satan, in the Name of Jesus! TYJ! PYL! Hallelujah!--In Jesus' name, amen!
       41. Whew! I guess you know the title of that one: "[EDITED: "Stop him"]!" [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Jesus! I can't wait much longer, Lord, to resolve this problem, this war. [EDITED: "Stop him"]! In the Name of Jesus, [EDITED: "stop him"], & stop these evil people, these evil guards & these evil weapons, his evil armies, Lord, children that he's sending to death to accomplish his evil purposes! In Jesus' name, rebuke them, Lord! Resist them, Lord! Defeat them, Lord! We know they're of the Devil, Lord, of Satan, so now stop'm & [EDITED: "stop him"], Lord, in the Name of Jesus! TYJ! PYL! Hallelujah!
       42. In Jesus' name, Lord, it's in Your hands. We have prayed, we've asked You, Lord, now if You're our God & You love us & You know we're right, Lord, to protect Thy children worldwide, Lord, & give them the fuel they need, [EDITED: "stop"] this monster, this God-damned [EDITED: "False Prophet"], in the Name of Jesus! In Jesus' name, amen! PYL! TYL!
       43. You've gotta [EDITED: "stop him"] now, Lord! You've gotta [EDITED: "stop him"] now, Lord! In Jesus' name you've gotta [EDITED: "stop him"]! We've asked it of Thee, Lord, we've demanded of Thee, we required of You, Lord, we command Thee to [EDITED: "stop"] this monster! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! Let us hear that he's dead!--In Jesus' name, amen! TYL! Hallelujah! TYJ! PYL! In Jesus' name, [EDITED: "stop him"] as quickly as possible, Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"], in Jesus' name, amen!
       44. Let's go to sleep, Honey! It's enough, we've prayed & we've asked God to answer prayer & to curse this evil demon & [EDITED: "stop him"]. He's done enough God-damned damage, he's denied enough of the World the fuel & the oil they need! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, now [EDITED: "stop him"] in Jesus' name! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! I command you in the Name of Jesus, right now, Lord, in Jesus' name! My God, [EDITED: "stop"] this evil man! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! Make him die, ignominiously, Lord! Help him to die! Rebuke him in the Name of Jesus!
       45. Lord, You let me live, You brought me back to life! With the same power that You resuscitated me, resurrected me, Lord, brought me back to life & gave me life, strength to curse Thy enemies, Lord, You curse him, Lord, now in Jesus' name! You curse him & [EDITED: "stop him"]! Curse him & [EDITED: "stop him"], in the Name of Jesus! Amen! TYL! PYL!
       46. It's a duel, Lord! It's a challenge! It's a championship, Thy Prophet against the False Prophet! Vindicate us, Lord! Show Thy Will, Lord! Show Thy mighty power! Show Thy conviction, Lord! Show Thy approval of Thy Prophet, & Thy disapproval of the infamous, horrible, monstrous False Prophet of the Devil, Lord [DELETED]! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"] now, in Jesus' name! I want to see him dead, I want to know he's dead! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Jesus! TYL! Amen?
       47. God damn [EDITED: "that country"] & those [EDITED: "people"] for following this False Prophet & trying to destroy the Earth! God damn them, Lord! Damn them, Lord! Curse them, Lord! In the Name of Jesus, we curse them for their evil deeds, trying to destroy the Earth! In the Name of Jesus, curse them, Lord! Stop them, Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! In Jesus' name, do it, Lord!
       48. Do it, Lord! Lord, now answer prayer! Answer Thy Prophet, Lord, as he tries to do Thy Will, in the Name of Jesus! Rebuke those evil hordes, Satanic, evil people! In Jesus' name, Lord! Rebuke those evil people! Rebuke those guards, Lord! Rebuke their weapons, Lord! Make them of none effect! They fire on innocent people, Lord, innocent men. They fire on poor defenseless innocent crew men, Lord, of these civilian vessels. Rebuke those God-damned evil speedboats & their evil people from [EDITED: "that False Prophet"]! Damn him, Lord, as their evil master [DELETED]! We rebuke [EDITED: "him"], Lord! We resist [EDITED: "him"] in the Name of Jesus! Destroy him, Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"] with all of his evil forces, in Jesus' name, TYL!
       49. [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"]!--Satan's Prophet, Satan's voice! [EDITED: "Stop him"], in Jesus' name! [EDITED: "Stop"] our enemies, Lord! [EDITED: "Stop"] our enemies! Destroy them, Lord, in Jesus' name! Defeat them, in Jesus' name! You never fail, You're always the Victor! This one thing we ask of Thee, to destroy this Thy evil enemy [DELETED], in the Name of Jesus! TYL! Vindicate Thy Prophet, Lord! Vindicate me, Lord! Show that we're right! [EDITED: "Stop"] this evil monster, this beast, this God-damned Satanic dragon! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"] now, Lord! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, so that he won't be able to kill or destroy any more of Thy children or Thy little ones, the children of [EDITED: "that country"], Lord!
       50. Save the poor innocent children of [EDITED: "that country"] & destroy this evil, deceptive False Prophet, this evil beast, in the Name of Jesus! Do it, Lord! I want to see it! I want to see it! The sooner the better, Lord, to save Thy children, to save the fuel, to save the oil! It's Your oil, Lord, they're Your people!
       51. Do it, Lord, in Jesus' name! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! [EDITED: "Stop"] this evil monster that is causing so much trouble! [EDITED: "Stop him"]! Help the Americans to [EDITED: "stop him"] or somebody to do it, his own people to [EDITED: "stop him"]! He's led so many astray! My God, [EDITED: "stop him"] & deliver us! [EDITED: "Stop"] this evil evil monster in the Name of Jesus! TYL!
       52. If You can't do it, Lord, nobody can! [EDITED: "Stop"] this evil beast, Lord, this Satanic devil who's leading millions astray! In the Name of Jesus, we rebuke you [DELETED], in the Name of Jesus! We resist you, Satan, in Jesus' name! [EDITED: "Stop him"], Lord, [EDITED: "stop him"]! Give us another chance, Lord! Give Thy World a little more time by [EDITED: "stopping"] this evil monster, this beast, this Satanic devil, this dragon, this False Prophet! Show the World he's a False Prophet, Lord, by [EDITED: "stopping"] him, in Jesus' name! Amen! TYL!

Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family


Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family