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DISCLAIMER: Publications by The Family are archived here for educational purposes. The content is occasionally sexually explicit, offensive or promotive of criminal acts and we collect them to document their existence and wording but do not condone the points of view or activities. Original spelling, grammar, and style have been preserved where possible.


       1. (In the middle of the night, waking from sleep:) Bless & keep him, Lord! Bless & keep him. (Maria: Who is "him"?--Who are you praying for?) Juan, in Latin America. Give him great wisdom, great knowledge so that he may evade persecution, Lord, in Jesus' name. Amen. (Maria: Anything else for him?) There's very great persecution toward him. (Maria: Him personally?) He & us, of course. (Maria: You mean it's coming?) Yes.

       2. There already has been persecution in South America, but there's more to come. Yes. He must stand strong & pray without ceasing that he may overcome, in Jesus' name. TYL! (Maria: And will he overcome?) Of course! The Lord always overcomes. Lord, deliver Thy children in Barcelona, in Jesus' name.--Completely, Lord!

       3. Rebuke those judges! Rebuke those police & the authorities there! Judge them, Lord! Rebuke them in Jesus' name! Make them deliver our children, in Jesus' name. Amen. They're going to be harshly judged by the Lord for having hurt His children. In Jesus' name. TYL! In Jesus' name, amen. But it is coming southward too, & Juan must prepare for it.

       4. (Maria: How should he prepare?) [DELETED] Hide.

       5. [DELETED] As best they can, in Jesus' name. Lord, bless & keep them. [DELETED] Just stay out of sight as much as possible. Don't be too visible.

       6. (Maria: Why is there going to be so much persecution in South America?) Because of the Antichrist. (Maria: But why particularly South America?) The ACs. (Maria: But the ACs are worldwide.) Yes, that's why we have to try to stay out of sight. God damn the ACs, they're the people of the Antichrist & they are the ones who have been causing us so much trouble! [DELETED] (Maria: Can we still get the Message out in the form of the Tapes, Posters & Videos?) Oh, yes of course! We just have to be careful & prayerful.

       7. (Maria: God bless Juan, he's really strong in the Word!) Amen, bless him, Lord! Give him wisdom, Lord, how to stay out of sight, in Jesus' name. [DELETED] We must be very careful & prayerful. [DELETED] Hallelujah! TYL! TYJ!--In Jesus' name.

       8. You know what's best, Lord! Help us to stay [EDITED: "low key"], Lord, everywhere except where there's great openness & opportunity, like Eastern Europe. This is their time of reaping. PYL! Hallelujah! TYL! Many other places have already been reaped & had their chance & we must [DELETED] be careful & very prayerful. TYJ!--In Jesus' name, amen. Amen? GBAKY! ILY!

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