Barry Gerard Prendergast
Barry Gerard Prendergast (aka Zach or Zack and Zacchaeus Star) is a U.S. citizen who in February 1997 founded the Colorado non-profit corporation Family Services Colorado, Inc. In July 1999, Mr. Prendergast and his spouse Naomi Prendergast received the "Parents of the Year" award from the National Parents Day Foundation at a ceremony on Capitol Hill. Former members of The Family International who heard of the award identified Mr. Prendergrast as a member of the cult who had abused children at a Victor Camp in Italy in the 1980s. After inquiries from Houston Chronicle reporter Evan Moore and others, the Prendergasts returned the award. Mr. Prendergast also illustrated some True Komix and other Family Publications.
More information
- Tribute to Naomi and Zack Prendergast — Statement by former U.S. Representative Scott McInnis of Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, 1999-07-21
- "National Parents Day Award goes to Cult Member," Ron Jones, soc.religion.christian, 1999-08-04
- Houston Chronicle: Past returns to haunt 'Parent of the Year' — 1999-08-04
- Daily Camera: Parenting Award Controversial — 1999-08-06
- Rocky Mountain News: Longmont dad denies ties to 'happy hookers' — 1999-08-06
- Colorado Springs Gazette: Man who returned parenting award denies ties to cult — 1999-08-07
- The Independent: Parent of the Year `ran camp for cult' — 1999-08-07
Download: ABC "Extra" on the Prendergast 'Parent of the Year' controversy (3:12, 1.2MB) — 1999-08-06
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