Endtime Witnesses

From XFamily - Children of God

The two Endtime Witnesses were prophesied by David Berg to be his second wife, Karen "Maria" Zerby, and his adopted son, Ricky "Davidito" Rodriguez.[1] The idea of the two Endtime Witnesses is taken from the Bible in the book of Revelations, chapter 11, verses 1–14.

Excerpt from The End-Time Witnesses:

14 SHE IS GOING TO BE THE PROPHETESS OF GOD! And there are going to be two, do you know who they're going to be? Didn't you read about it in the Bible? (Sara: The two witnesses?) Yes, the two witnesses! And do you know who the other one is going to be? Yes, yes you do. Come on, tell me! (Sara: Davidito?) Yes, Davidito! (Rev.11.)

15 DAVIDITO AND MARIA ARE GOING TO BE THE ENDTIME WITNESSES, and they're going to have such power they can call down fire from Heaven and devour their enemies, and Maria's going to witness and witness and witness until finally going to be killed. [sic] (Timothy: Then the Lord raises them up.) Yes, yes after only 3½ days Jesus is going to raise them from the dead!

16 BECAUSE MARIA AND DAVIDITO ARE GOING TO BE THE LAST PROPHETESS AND PROPHET IN THE LAST DAY, did you know that? They are so beautiful! They are so wonderful! And they're going to be resurrected and taken up with Jesus, did you know that? And did you know what? [sic] I will tell you.

17 IN 2125 A.D. THEY ARE GOING TO BE IN THE MILLENNIUM, did you know that? And they are going to tell the people to be true and honest and have a green shirt on. Did you know that Sara? How did you know that? (Sara: From the letter you wrote.) Did you know that? (Tim: Yes, you wrote a letter on it.)

see: The Endtime Witnesses for a scan of the original Mo Letter (PDF).


  1. The End-Time Witnesses — by David Berg (DO; ML#707), 2 May 1978

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