Since the early 1970s, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation has conducted several investigations of the Children of God cult and the activities of its leadership.
2004 investigation
In late 2004, the San Diego office of the FBI began investigating the organization's activities after receiving a referral from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Affidavits regarding abuse in The Family may be submitted to the FBI at the address below.
9797 Aero Drive
San Diego, CA 92123
Attn: RE:The Family International
You can also reach the San Diego field office at the following number: (858) 565-1255
- Houston Chronicle: Prisoner of a cult — 1989-12-04
- Associated Press: FBI says child recovered from care of religious group, given to custodian — 2000-09-05
KFMB News 8: FBI Launches Investigation Into Sex Cult (2:56, 5.3MB) — 2005-04-04
- The Courier Mail: FBI investigates Coast sex cult (Movement Against Kindred Offenders Australian News Archive) — 2005-11-19
Lucksted, Orlin D. and D. F. Martell, "Cults: A Conflict Between Religious Liberty and Involuntary Servitude?," FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, April, May, and June 1982., Federal Bureau of Investigation, United States Department of Justice — 1982-06 – contains several paragraphs which mention Children of God, David Berg and Flirty fishing.
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