Glorify God in the Dance
Glorify God in the Dance was the title of both a Mo Letter[1] and a pornographic video produced by Music with Meaning as well as a term used in the Children of God/The Family to describe nude dances performed on video camera by women, teens, and even young children for the pleasure of David Berg.[2][3][4] The term is taken from Psalms 149:3 where it reads, "Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp".
see also: Nudie-cutie
In September 1981, Family members at MWM in Greece filmed 20 adults and children performing pornographic strip-tease dances for the sexual gratification of David Berg and others. The video was titled "Glorify God in the dance" and primarily based on the instructions by David Berg in the Mo Letter of the same name published a few months earlier.
The video included a section in which those who helped make the video were identified:
Editor's note: Following is a transcription of the text displayed on screen in the credits section. Information in brackets has been added by the editors.
Glorify God in the dance
was produced by MWM
- Topaz, USA
- Rosa, Italy
- Naomi, England
- Sarah, USA
- Rachel, Denmark [wife of Peter Pioneer; no longer members]
- Mene, USA [grand-daughter of David Berg; no longer a member; age nine at time of filming]
- Marty, Malta
- Mary, Denmark
- Patience, USA
- H, England [SGA; daughter of Jeremy Spencer and Fiona; around age 11 or 12 at time of filming]
- Lydia, Norway [wife of Zac Lightman]
- Endureth, USA
- Celeste, England [SGA; daughter of Christopher Jones and Rebecca; no longer a member; age six at time of filming]
- Fiona, England [former wife of Jeremy Spencer]
- Windy, USA
- Lene, Denmark
- Armendria, USA [SGA; daughter of Jeremiah Singer; no longer a member; age 11 at time of filming]
- Sabine, Germany [future wife of Christopher Jones]
- Maria & Karin, Germany
Their music was selected
by themselves and/or Angelo
Music for quiet moments
Clothe her lightly
Song of life
Composed and played by
Jeremy, Michael, Solomon
Paul Michael, Angelo & Sarah
Music for lovemaking
by Anthony Ventura [non-member]
by F. Goya [non-member]
by Richard Clayderman [non-member]
and a lovely tape of
Hawaiian music
sent to us by dear Dad & Maria
Narration Simon Peter
Floor Manager Gallio
Camera & light Zac [from Norway]
Sound Tim
Costume & art Lydia [from Norway]
Directed by Paul
Filmed in Greece Sept MCMLXXXI
- Jump up ↑
Glorify God In The Dance! — Cautions & Improvements for your Exotic Videos (5.7MB, 34 pages) — DO 1026, 1981-07-24
- Jump up ↑ Nudes Can Be Beautiful — Movement With Meaning! — by David Berg; ML#1006 DO; compiled 1981-03.
- Jump up ↑ Dancing Girl Tips & Comments — Glorify God in the Dance! — by David Berg; ML#1026b DO; compiled 1981-08.
- Jump up ↑ Have Fun — Enjoy Dancing & Sex! — by David Berg; ML#1830 DO; 1984-02-13.
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