Book of Remembrance
The Book of Remembrance was a two volume set published by The Family in 1983. It included many black and white photographs and accounts of the organization's history and the history of David Berg's personal family.
From the Introduction:
AT THE BEGINNING OF THE REVOLUTION, THE LORD COMMANDED US TO "PUT ALL THESE THINGS IN A BOOK OF REMEMBRANCE".—"Then they thtat feared the Lord spake often unto one another: and the Lord hearkened, & heard it, & a Book of Remembrance was written before him that feared the Lord & that thought upon His Name." And they shall be Mine, saith the Lord of Hosts, in that day when I shall make up My jewels; & I will spare them as a man spareth his own son that serveth him." (Mal.3:16,17)
BOOKS & RECORDS ARE VERY IMPORTANT & NECESSARY THROUGHOUT HIS WORD, & many times they were commanded to "write all these things in a book" that they might be remembered. So herein is the the thrilling, inspiring account of how God planned this Family & carried me through 64 years of preparation & and generations of Godly parents, grandparents, & great grandparents to get us as far as we have gotten in our Worldwide Revolution for Jesus!
Archived Content
Volume II
Cover, Table of Contents and Introduction — pages 1-5
The Pioneering of North America — pages 141-144, By Ho (Jonathan Berg)
Europe's Early Explosions! How we spread over Europe country by country! — pages 145-160, "Compiled from Articles & Logs written by Apollos & Lois, Hosanna, Ready (Alfred Strickland Kelley) & Prisca (Sara Davidito), Jothan & Rebecca & Paul (Paul Peloquin) & Marianne (Marianne Chazelas Peloquin)."
Our Latin Love Story! The Pioneering of Latin America! — pages 161-177, By Watchman (Rick Dupuy)
Entering the Exotic East! Our Pioneering History in the Goldren Triangle! — pages 178-182, "Compiled by Lydia West, Keda (Louris May Yamaguchi), Kezia Newsong. Shem & Apelles Cheshire & the testimonies of the faithful pioneers in each of the fields!"
Vietnam! A thrilling account of the first team in the Far East!-'72! — pages 183-185, Written by Medad and Abby
Our beginnings in the Mideast & India! — pages 186-192, "Compiled from articles written by Hosanna, Stephanus Waters, Lydia Thanksgiving & Paul Kings."
Tenerife! The Explosion that Shook the World! — pages 193-196, By Paul Papers (Grant Cameron Montgomery)
Mo' Missives for the Masses! The History of Family Printing! — pages 197-204, by Mordecai
Snowballing into a Mighty Avalanche! Our Publications from 1968 to 1982! — pages 205-209.
The History of Our Administration! — pages 210-213, By Shemariah (Thomas Mestyanek), Sally Scribe & Peter (Steven Douglas Kelly)
The Enlarging of Our Tents! - Family Phases in the Maturation of a Movement! — pages 214-219, Compiled by Paul Papers (Grant Cameron Montgomery)