Category:Family Mythology

From XFamily - Children of God

The Family claims knowledge of many individual demons, angels and other spirits. They believe that referring to spirits by name gives their prayers extra effect. For example, a Family member in prayer may call on Ellya to help them wield the Keys of the Kingdom to fend off Vandari attacking the group through media exposure. Or instead of simply praying to overcome a physical addiction, a Family member may call on Boheme to sever the tentacles of Bacchus with the Key of Resolve.

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Evil Spiritual Beings

Evil Spiritual Beings (Groups)

Name Description Nemesis Reference
Deactivation (Neutralization) demons pride, disobedience, bitterness, division Activation angels ML3455:34, 45
Demons of depression witches of darkness, a valley of depression OOGN10 (ML3464:78)
EIDAB cause contention; underlings of Hord GU28
Legions of Cyclor hurt the Earth; underlings of Cyclor GN 1122 (ML3528:218)
Selvegion Opposers of unity, spreading gossip and hatred Salvay GN958; OOGN 05
Sensi demons of sensitivity Keep On Track Fighters GN 1084 (ML3497c:344)
Speed demons underlings of Disruptor
Spirits of Seduction through desire, draw Family members away from Jesus Yokum, Strength of Spirit ML3485:132
Vandari Underworld vandals who work through people opposing The Family ML3420:135

Evil Spiritual Beings (Individuals)

Name Description Nemesis Reference
Amon spirit trying to blind Karen Zerby ML2326:52
Apotheon Attempts to destroy faith, oppress, suffocate, and cause laziness, poverty, failure, ruin Arcothon GN 992
Arakan A chief demon of confusion, depression, and discouragement. Fights channels Illuminus, Fairy Angel Fighters ML3419:16
Ashraf (Asharaf, Ashteroth, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Sphinx) evil goddess; chokes, restricts Almathor ML1403:All. ML1405:96
Baal Mental torture, self-condemnation, belittlement Archer ML312. ML3455:103
Bitterness, demon of Works with Pan ML3459:117
Bacchus Demon of addiction and carnality. Causes eating disorders. (Among the principal demons) Boheme GN 963; OOGN 04
Cyclor hurts the Earth GN 1122 (ML3528:218)
Disruptor Chief demon of transportation and mail systems disruption Vigilance GN 1062 (ML3475:51)
Drought Draws fluids away from the body, and causes health problems Almathor GN 1113 (ML3522:126)
Hong Kong Goolagong A god of Aborigines. Attacks missionaries to dark-skinned people, often by trying to choke ML980
Hord causes contention; overlord of the EIDAB GU28
Irrazzmon (Irrazzmus) Imp of nerve and muscle pain Elixor GN 1113 (ML3522:139)
Lazers clouds priorities, influences through lust (among the principal demons) GN 1070
Lethargy Fights progress, effectiveness and conviction Styrian GN 957
Mach (Macho, Machismo) illusion of power of mind & self ML3455:138
Medusa gossip ML3455:146
Negaton master of negativity, hopelessness, despair, reject promises ML3497:350
Negin Negaton's right hand ML3497:350
Nivea of the sea Hinders launching in new directions; scares, binds, drowns ML1049 (Vol. 9)
Obstacon Obstructs absorption of Word Raphael ML3434
Obtherion blinds, turns those who've left against Jesus; homosexual, lures the proud to disbelief GN 1044 (ML3459:181)
Oplexicon Arch-demon who opposes truth of God & the Word Michael the Archangel, Gabriel the Archangel, Raphael ML261, ML3455
Orexis Author of anorexia ML3125; Post-it GN #10
Pan Arch-demon who aims to control minds and cause doubt. (Among the principal demons) Illuminus, Fairy Angel Fighters GN 963; OOGN O3
Pride, demon of Overlord of the demons of Accomplishment, Flesh, Worldliness, Machoism, Carnality, and Materalism ML3455:60
Rejection, demon of works with Pan and Bitterness ML3459:119
Set (among the principal demons) GN 1070
Seduction and Obsession twin sisters; seduce the mind into submission, addiction ML3455:162
Sphinx see Ashraf
Vain fear of opinions of others ML3455:136

Evil Spiritual Beings (Country-Specific)

Name Country Description Nemesis Reference
Candomble Brazil Compromise, complacency, self-indulgence Salvador ML3455:118
Congri Japan Fights missionaries in Japan Prophecy 2003
Croswell India Fights missionaries GN 998
Lexipython Japan Restraining, conventionalism, domination Japan Delegate meeting
Mocumba Brazil Hedonism, pleasure ML3455:112
Tokyo spirits Japan Japan RC Meeting 2002

Helpful Spiritual Beings

Helpful Spiritual Beings (Groups)

Name Description Reference
Activation Angels Angel of Miracles, Angel of Healing, Angel of Revelation, Angle of Witnessing, Angel of David's Mantle GN942 (ML 3349:8)
"Blue Angels" female keepers of the power source of Heaven GN 946 (ML 3351:2)
Cathars, earthly Law of Love, endtime, teens GN860 (ML 3259)
HELP Force Healing Encouraging Life-giving Protecting; special operations force of Heaven; fight Set GN 1176 (ML 3597)
Cathars, spiritual Weapon of Brotherhood; guardians of love GN1123 (ML 3532:158)
Custodians of the Boards Acumon: PR Board, Ayin (Aiyin): VS Board, De Cynder: JT Board, Frederick & Freya: CP Board, Herald: FED Board, White Angel/Truth Keeper: CGO Board GN1063 (ML 3476:7)
Eleria (Freedom Angels) angels for freedom, revolution GN1113
Fairy Angel Fighters (FAF) fight Arakan, confusion, depression GN 1039 (ML 3456)
Ilantri parents & teachers, love for children ML 3478:103
Knights of Victory Reinforcement angels, bringing "Father David's fighting serum" GN 1113
Keep On Track Fighters fight Sensi GN 1084 (ML 3497:364)
Love Fairies assist Family members in living of the Law of Love GN 1173 (3590:219)
Salvay fight Selvegion GN 1039 (ML 3455:198)
Strength of Spirit (SOS) fight Spirits of Seduction GN 1070 (ML 3485:176)
Victory Squad/Praise Squadron military strategists for weapon of praise Peter MO Site Announcement #11
Wildcats of Heaven created to fight Satan and demons GN 758 (ML3151:5) (ML3529)

Helpful Spiritual Beings (Individuals)

Name Description Reference
Abrahim Hungarian Gypsy responsible for Berg's alcoholism GN 1113 (ML3522:126)
Acumon PR Board Custodian; humility GN 1063 (ML3476:118)
Almathor spirit of tranquility; fights Drought and Sphinx GN 1113 (ML3522:126)
Altos attends nine orders of angelic beings ML3443:45
Amahl heavenly communications specialist ML3271:28
Anaya heavenly support staff, courier, assistance ML3443:58
Aquiah [pronounced "Uh-KWI-uh"] teaches Family members to focus their energies on spiritual things. GN 1193
Archer fights Baal GN 1039 (ML3455:210)
Arcothon (Arcos) conduit of God's power and Apotheon's archenemy GN 1016
Armina (& her forces) Fights persecutors. One of her forces stands by each Family member. GN 1030 (ML3445:59), GN 1119 (ML3529:107)
Asmet provides wisdom
Ayin (Aiyin) VS Board Custodian; travelled with Jesus in Old Testament: Spiritual guidance GN 1063 (ML3476:151)
Bill Bojangles Robinson kids: inspiration, performing GN 1065
Boheme fights Bacchus GN1039 (ML3455:207)
Brunheld Defends and fights for the Family; helps with JETTs & teens ML336C. ML3115:131
De Cynder JTB board custodian GN 1063
Edgar Rice Burrough Storyteller, spirit stories ML3119:207
Elixor fights Irrazzmon; healing GN 1113 (ML3522:139)
Ellya spirit of wind & pleading, draws you to keys GN 962 (ML3368:19)
Elysian Kids: prophesy of future GN 1065
Espitia Kids: keeper of keys; prayer warrior GN 1065
Faithful truth to former members ML3529
FLO commander of the Keep On Track Fighters GN 1084 (ML3497:374)
Frederick & Freya CP Board Custodians GN 1063 (ML3476:199)
Free Inspires ideas to help Junior Teens
Gabriel the Archangel from the Bible; keeper of word; protector ML3119:27
Haven Kids: persecution ML3529
Helga storyteller, spirit stories ML3119:186
Herald FED Board Custodian GN 1063 (ML3476:177)
Illuminus fights Pan, Arakan GN 1039 (ML3455:200)
Ivan Ivanovitch Berg's personal spirit helper; Engineer
Liza Aggressive fighter of Satan ML3179:81
Lucerne Fights depression, negativity OOGN 10 (ML3464:133)
Lyona JETT, teen helper GN 1116
Michael the Archangel From the Bible; fights Oplexicon ML115
Natalia Embodiment of praise GN 967
Peter the Hermit Children’s crusades ML102
Raphael the Archangel Fights Oplexicon and Set; ministers healing Word GN 1039 (ML3455:205)
San-bahd-mahl Warrior of the witnesser GN 1113
Sensation Member of the Keep On Track Fighters ML3497:465
Shadow (& team) One is assigned to each former member ML3529:118
Styrian fights Lethargy GN 1039 (ML3455:196)
Tananik Fights for missionaries to Africa
Tola and Tor Liquid-gold, Key-power warriors GN 1013
Vigilance fights Disruptor GN 1062 (ML3475:53)
Watchdog Children protection in persecution ML3529
White Angel/Truth Keeper CGO Board Custodian — Keeper of the light of truth GN1063 (ML3476:64)
Yokum Helps to steady love, lust, sexual emotions GN 1070 (ML3485:177)


Legendary Spirit Helpers

Historical Figures as Spirit Helpers

Released Spirits

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