Category:Family Videos
The Family produces and publishes numerous videos for both internal use and sale to the general public.
[hide]Publicly Distributed
Children's Videos
Video series for sale include:
Public Relations
The Family has produced several promotional and public relations videos.
Public relations video series include:
Internal Videos
The Family has produced a large number of videos for internal use. Starting in the late 1970s, Family Homes around the world were encouraged to make videos and send them to David Berg and World Services for eventual circulation and distribution within the organization. Video reports on local activities and video tapes of fellowship meetings were sent to David Berg and Karen Zerby and then added to the International Video Library (IVL) and/or a National Video Library (NVL).
David Berg also requested that female members perform in pornographic strip-tease dance videos to be sent to him and later circulated through the IVL and the NVLs. In Mo Letters such as "Glorify God in The Dance!" (Glorify God In The Dance!--Cautions & Improvements for your Exotic Videos — DO 1026, 1981-07-24), Berg provided detailed and explicit instructions regarding what he wanted and didn't want to see in these videos. A number of the strip-tease dance videos featured children performing in what can only be described as child pornography. The girls performing for Berg and other Family members in these videos included children as young as 5 years old. Other child pornography videos produced by members of The Family at Berg's request featured girls ages 9 to 15. The videos also showed young children present while nude adult women performed sexually explicit strip-tease dances.
In the late 1980s, The Family finally removed many of these pornographic videos from circulation but failed to report the sexual abuse, exploitation and performance of children documented on these videos to law enforcement agencies. Some of these videos were stored in a storage facility in the Philippines. In 1992, former members Edward Priebe and Daniel Welsh took over a Family Home in Manila and later gained access to the storage facility from which they removed 16 trunks containing Family publications, documents, video and audio tapes. Some of the materials recovered were later submitted as evidence in child abuse court cases in various countries. Carefully edited excerpts of some of the pornographic videos have also been shown on television news reports from around the world. Please note that, due to moral, legal and ethical concerns, the Video Archives do not include pornographic videos featuring children or adults. Such material, with the exception of excerpts in television news reports, has been edited out of the videos we have archived.
Other video series produced for internal use include:
Archived Videos
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Title | Date | Length | Size |
Publicly Distributed | |||
Music With Meaning (MWM) Videos | |||
MWM Summer Concert | 1981-07 | 1:59:08.360 | 376M |
MWM: H.M.S. MWM | 1981 | 0:57:39.240 | 182M |
MWM: PR Show | 1982 | 0:13:23.840 | 42.3M |
MWM: Rachel Show 1 | 1980s | 0:29:56.680 | 94.5M |
MWM: Rachel Show 2 | 1980s | 0:26:28.360 | 83.2M |
MWM: Angelo & Sarah Show | 1980s | 0:24:40.760 | 78.3M |
MWM: Show 1 - Music Special with Jeremy Spencer | 1982-06-09 | 0:29:15.600 | 92.4M |
MWM: Show 2 - A Picnic | 1982-05-16 | 0:28:50.360 | 91M |
MWM: Show 3 - Peter and Rachel | 1982-05-27 | 0:31:17.120 | 98.6M |
MWM: Show 4 - Tea with Michael and Patience | 1982-07-14 | 0:29:04.360 | 91.3M |
MWM: Show 5 - Romantic Evening | 1982-07-23 | 0:27:19.640 | 86.2M |
MWM Club Party | 1983-04 | 2:01:07.440 | 385M |
Música Con Vida (MCV) Videos | |||
MCV: Latin American Show | 1980s | 0:36:07.720 | 114M |
MCV: Poder Infantil 4 | 1980s | 0:31:21.960 | 99M |
MCV: Poder Infantil 5 | 1980s | 0:30:51.960 | 98M |
MCV: Villamor Show | 1980s | 0:37:26.320 | 119M |
MCV: Happy Birthday Family 1982 | 1982-02-18 | 0:38:55 | 122M |
FJLA12 - Welcome to P.R. and MCV | 1981-07 | 2:42:39.760 | 513M |
Family Outreach Videos | |||
Insight: Experts comment on The Family and other New Religous Movements — Public relations video produced and distributed by The Family. Appearances by friends and supporters of The Family including Eileen Barker, Allen R. Brockway, David Casterline, Bart Cox, Rex Davis, Charlotte Hardman, Rick Lannoye, James Lewis, Lawrence Lilliston, Gordon Melton, David Millikan, Christopher Murphy, Ellen D. Oliver, George Roberston, Gary Shepherd, Jack Thompson and Bryan Wilson. | 1994 | 1:05:45 | 154M |
Internal Videos | |||
Fellowship Videos | |||
Christmas at MWM: Christmas Meeting | 1981-12-25 | 1:18:41.080 | 248M |
Christmas at MWM: New Year Candlelight Service (Part 1) | 1981-12-31 | 1:08:20.040 | 216M |
First Brazil NAFM | 1982-01 | 1:37:12 | 354M |
MWM: Sunday Fellowship | 1981-04 | 0:38:28.240 | 121M |
North and Central Peru GAF Meeting | 1982-06 | 1:41:33.960 | 321M |
Mexico TTC (partial video) | 1986-08 | 0:24:49 | 78.6M |
Japan TTC | 1986 | 2:43:03.240 | 514M |
PI Y.E.S. - Skit Tape #2 | 1987-03 | 2:36:20.800 | 494M |
A Day At The Jumbo — Video tour of the Philippines Jumbo. | 1987-10-27 | 0:12:33 | 29.7M |
Fellowship At The Jumbo — Video footage from a fellowship meeting at the Philippines Jumbo. | 1987-09-26 | 0:18:21 | 43.3M |
"One Wife" Class at Y.E.S. — Grant Montgomery teaches a class on the Mo Letter "One Wife" at a Y.E.S. fellowship in the Philippines. | 1987 | 0:8:55 | 21.2M |
Class at Y.E.S. Meeting — Paul Peloquin teaching a class at a Y.E.S. meeting in the Philippines. | 1987 | 0:4:36 | 11M |
Security Skit at Y.E.S. Meeting — A skit about following security procedures. | 1987 | 0:2:58 | 7.2M |
Other Videos | |||
Report to Dad and Maria from Australia — A video report to David Berg and Karen Zerby from a couple in Australia and their son. In the video, a man named Appeles reports that two children have shared sexually with their stepmother, Sally. This video is referred to several times in the Judgment of Lord Justice Ward. An excerpt of this video was featured on 60 Minutes Australia: Sinful Acts. | 1981 | 0:6:36 | 15.6M |
Flirty Fishing in Osaka-Kobe, Japan — Family members in Osaka, Japan report on their Flirty Fishing activities. | mid-1980s | 0:10:17 | 24.4M |
Nightclub visits in Osaka-Kobe, Japan — Family members in Osaka, Japan report on their visits to nightclubs to raise funds and sell tapes. | mid-1980s | 0:7:18 | 17.3M |
Selling tapes in Osaka-Kobe, Japan — Family members in Osaka, Japan report on selling tapes office-to-office and door-to-door. | mid-1980s | 0:4:01 | 10.2M |
German/Dutch LIM/LIT-PIC 1981 Report — New Year's Eve 1981 report from the German/Dutch Lit-Pic/LIM | 1981-12-31 | 0:8:02 | 18.46M |
Mexico Teens On The Road To California — Mexico teens visit California | mid-1980s | 0:9:57 | 23.62M |
Teens sing "Dad, We're Going To Carry It On" — Teens sing a song for David Berg | mid-1980s | 0:1:57 | 4.75M |
Teens sing "We Believe in You" — Teens sing a song for David Berg | mid-1980s | 0:3:09 | 7.68M |
Boat Trip from Portugal to Brazil | 1981-11 | 0:58:09 | 183M |
Christmas at MWM: Children Perform at Minion Department Store | 1981-12 | 0:34:50.240 | 110M |
Daily Might: A How-to of our Ministry | 1980s | 1:12:47.520 | 230M |
FJLA12 - Welcome to P.R. and MCV | 1981-07 | 2:42:39.760 | 513M |
FJLA7 - Mexico with Faith and Juan | 1981-05 | 2:57:37.600 | 561M |
MWM: Glorify God in the Dance - Credits | 1981-09 | 0:01:07.100 | 3.8M |
MWM: Personal Interviews | 1981-04 | 2:24:44.600 | 456M |
MWM: The End of Rainbow's End | 1980s | 1:32:19.720 | 291M |
MCV: Happy Birthday Family | 1982-02-18 | 122M | |
Venezuela Babes Ranch | 1980s | 2:54:04.760 | 549M |
String of Pearls 5 - Visit to MCS | 1982-08 | 1:13:38.880 | 233M |
JLC 30: A Look at MBH | 1987-09 | 1:28:06.080 | 279M |
JLC 30: Narita Family Interviews | 1987 | 0:36:00.240 | 114M |
Japan 7 Course Video Series - Part 3: Tokyo and Japan | 1987 | 0:30:42.800 | 98M |
Japan 7 Course Video Series - Part 3: The Beginning | 1987 | 0:24:23.360 | 77M |
Japan 7 Course Video Series - Part 3: Family History 1972-1986 | 1987 | 1:07:47.680 | 215M |
Japan 7 Course Video Series - Part 3: Teen Revolution 1986-1987 | 1987 | 0:13:49.520 | 44M |
Teens for Christ! '87 | 1987 | 01:59:13 | 376M |
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Pages in category "Family Videos"
The following 61 pages are in this category, out of 61 total.
- Japan 7 Course Video Series - Part 3: Family History 1972-1986
- Japan 7 Course Video Series - Part 3: Teen Revolution 1986-1987
- Japan 7 Course Video Series - Part 3: The Beginning
- Japan 7 Course Video Series - Part 3: Tokyo and Japan
- Japan TTC video
- JLC 30: A Look at MBH
- JLC 30: Narita Family Interviews
- MCV: Happy Birthday Family 1982
- MCV: Latin American Show
- MCV: Poder Infantil 4
- MCV: Poder Infantil 5
- MCV: Villamor Show
- Mexico Teens On The Road To California
- MWM Club Party - April 1983
- MWM Summer Concert - July 1981
- MWM: Angelo & Sarah Show
- MWM: Personal Interviews - April 1981
- MWM: PR Show
- MWM: Rachel Shows
- MWM: Show 1 - Music Special with Jeremy Spencer
- MWM: Show 2 - A Picnic
- MWM: Show 3 - Peter and Rachel
- MWM: Show 4 - Tea with Michael and Patience
- MWM: Show 5 - Romantic Evening
- MWM: Sunday Fellowship - April 1981
- MWM: The End of Rainbow's End