Eduardo Lause

From XFamily - Children of God

Eduardo Lause (known as "Benjamin Amor" in the Children of God) joined the group in 1974 at the age of 13.

Mr. Lause was a minor leader ("Local Area Shepherd") during the late 1970s and early 1980s. He left the group in 1984 and testified in cases[1][2] involving Family members in Buenos Aires and Rosario, Argentina. Along with Hector Navrarro, he founded a non-profit organization called Secretaría de Ayuda a Personas Afectadas por Sectas Destructivas to distribute information about The Family and other cults with activities in Latin America. He was often quoted in newspaper articles about The Family. He committed suicide in July 2004.


SOS Ayuda a personas afectadas por sectas destructivas] — archived web site by Lause


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