HomeARC ML 1670
RED OR DEAD?--Which?--Or BOTH? DFO 1670 11/83
1. ITALY IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY & FRANCE IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY & SO IS SPAIN WHERE THEY MAKE ALL THAT WINE! But though I love them they don't love me, they wouldn't listen to me. I told them & tried to warn them. I told them but they wouldn't listen. They wanted their missiles & they wanted death, "Better dead than red." So that's what God is going to give them, dead.
2. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH RED? IT'S A PRETTY COLOUR! It's one of my favourites. Why doesn't anyone want to be red? I like red. I've always had red, red pens & everything. Why don't people like red? It's the colour of the blood of Jesus! I'd rather have it than the cold blue ice of the God-damned United States! Better read & dead than the horror the West designs for Europe! My God!
3. WHAT'S THE MATTER WITH RED? IT'S A BEAUTIFUL COLOUR!--The colour of the blood of Jesus! In Jesus' name. I love red. It's like Salvation. I would rather be red than dead! So what's wrong with being red, huh? I can be both red & dead! In Jesus' name, amen. That's best of all--red & dead! In Jesus' name, amen.
4. I TELL PEOPLE NOT TO BE AFRAID OF BEING EITHER RED OR DEAD! In Jesus' name. Better red & dead! I don't think I've heard anybody say that. It's a new doctrine.--The red first & dead next. Better red & dead. See, there's no choice. It's not better red than dead, it's better red & dead, because that's what they're going to get. They might as well know, both red & dead, & that's it!
5. IT'S JUST LIKE RASPUTIN, it's the same thing all over again!--They want to kill me but they can't kill me because I'm sustained by the miraculous power of God! They'd like to kill me but you can't kill the Truth & I'm the Truth & they can't kill me. How can they kill the Truth? They try but they can't, so here I am, red & dead & alive unto God! It's impossible for them to kill the Truth because I'm the Truth. Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus!
6. I'M THE RASPUTIN OF TODAY & they know it, you know? That's why they hate me, because they can't overcome me!
Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family
Copyright (c) 1998 by The Family