Japan Persecution Notices 2005
Following are complete copies of communications sent between April 3 and May 21, 2005 by The Family's PR Board to all Family Homes in Japan, regarding media interest in the cult in Japan. It is unknown if this series of "Timely Persecution All Homes Messages" or "Persec AHMs" is ongoing.
These communications were intended strictly for internal use, and were distributed in a series of emails using military-grade encryption (see Category:Secrecy). Among other issues, they address recent media interest by the following organizations in Japan:
[hide]Reaction to the leaks by The Family's PR Board
The following is what The Family International's PR Board had to say about these files being publicly released on xFamily.org (from AHM21PRB.05.E.rtf, on May 21, 2005):
One inspiring thing about this is that they posted the whole Zip files, including many victories won, miracles performed, rebuttals, GP reactions, etc., which would give the readers good, balanced overview of the situations. PTL!
We don’t know who "Skanska" is, but we suppose that it’s a former member that has/had access to a Family computer. Since this didn't happen till just recently, it may be someone who visited a Family Home sometime after April 16th, or even just recently, and stole the files from a Family computer.
Whatever the case, you may want to look into your computer security, and make sure that the computer is password-protected and other security measures are taken, etc., so that not only AHMs but also other important files are securely protected.—Just like any other organizations, and even many individuals, would do.
Please just remember that nothing happens without the Lord’s permission. When we prayed about it the Lord said:
"(Jesus:) Be praiseful! Praise Me for the victories won. Praise Me for even these posts, as these messages would speak to those who are not really antagonistic. The detractors posted all the victories and miracles while trying to smear you. These words would speak to the former members who are not detractors."Downloads
- Package 1 (Apr.03–Apr.16, 2005) (12 emails; 573KB)
- Package 2 (Apr.18–May21, 2005) (12 emails; 270KB) — (At least one email between May 5 and 15 is known to be missing)
Messages overview
Below is a brief summary of all files contained in the messages, mostly taken directly from the included file descriptions as provided by The Family. In some cases we have noted specific portions of the files. However, as some of the content is only available in Japanese and the xFamily.org editors have not yet had such files translated we do not know everything they contain.
Note: The group uses the following file naming convention: to + day + from . month (e.g. AHM21PRB.05 => to all homes from the PR Board on May 21)
Persecution notice 2005-04-03
[Download] – The earliest Timely Persecution Notice xFamily.org has received. Contents include the following:
- AHM03PRB.04 (English and Japanese versions included) — "Timely prayer request concerning the upcoming media coverage."
- Requests "daily united prayers" against three "evil conniving publishing companies," among other things. This is a reference to Newsweek Japan, the Japan Times and Friday magazine, as those are the media outlets in Japan The Family International knew were writing articles about them at the time.
- William Gladstone, deceased former MP and Prime Minister of England, is described as a spirit helper assisting The Family International's spokespersons.
- Prepare_A – C (Japanese) — "Three files concerning media tips."
- Description from AHM03PRB.04: "The three files that are attached (in Japanese only) have been written so that you can begin using them immediately to deal with the media. Please be sure to read them and practice using them."
- Description from Important-AHM08PRB.04: "[These] three files show you what to do and say if the press comes to your door"
Persecution notice 2005-04-04
[Download] – All content of this email is in Japanese.
- AHM04PRB.04 (Japanese) — "Timely updates concerning the upcoming media coverage."
- 2005.04.03_Ltr to Med1_Friday (Japanese) — "Letter to Friday"
- 2005.04.03_Ltr to Med2_NewsWeek (Japanese) — "Letter to Newsweek"
- Old_Statements.zip (Japanese; 7 files) — "Old versions of Statements. Not revised. For personal study only. Not to be given to the General Public."
Persecution notice 2005-04-05
- AHM04PRB.04 (English) — "Timely updates concerning the upcoming media coverage."
- Q&AforKids_CP_FED_Advisory (Japanese) — "Sample Q&As from CP/FED board."
- 2005.04.03_Ltr to Med1 (English) — "Letter to Friday" [translation]
- Stm-deaths_of_R&A (Japanese) — "Ricky/Angela statement"
- Stm-Persecution.Excerpts (Japanese) — "Religeous persecution statement"
Persecution notice 2005-04-05B
- AHM05PRB.04 (Japanese) — "[Regarding:] The Newsweek article"
- Briefing from Claire Borowik--March 2005 (English and Japanese)
- Prayer_Req_Apr.05 (English and Japanese) — "Persecution related prayer requests (compilations)"
- In a prophecy, Jesus asks members of The Family to "Release My hand of recompense and retribution against those who poke their finger in My eye," among other requests.
- 2005.04.03_Ltr to Med2 (English) — "Letter to Newsweek. Rough translation"
Persecution notice 2005-04-06
- AHM06PRB.04 (English and Japanese) — "Brief updates"
- AHM05PRB.04 (English) — "[Regarding:] The Newsweek article"
- Recommends against Family members reading the article by Newsweek:
- Includes a list of sample media questions along with approved answers, and mentions that children at the Heavenly City School in Tateyama have been rehearsing how to answer questions by outsiders.
- Briefing from Claire Borowik--March 2005 (Japanese) — "Revised translation"
Persecution notice 2005-04-08
- Important-AHM08PRB.04 (English and Japanese) — "Concerning the Friday reporters"
- Requests that Family members not speak to the media aside from to refer them to the HCS in Tateyama.
Persecution notice 2005-04-11
- AHM11PRB.04 (English) — "Japan Times and Friday update," and other tips on preparing for persecution
- Persec_Reactions_No.01 (English) — "Persecution reactions from friends and contacts"
Persecution notice 2005-04-12
- AHM12PRB.04 (English and Japanese) — "[Regarding:] Asahi Geino article"
- Asks for continued prayer against "Friday magazine and its reporters."
- AHM11PRB.04 (Japanese) — "Japan Times and Friday update", and other tips on preparing for persecution
- Persec_Reactions_No.01 (Japanese) — "Persecution reactions from friends and contacts"
Persecution notice 2005-04-14
- AHM14PRB.04 (English) — Updates on TBS, Friday, Asahi Geino and the Japan Times, plus tips on dealing with the media
- Requests thorough study of previous communicatons regarding interaction with the media, and suggests that Family members "create a scenario and have someone act as a reporter."
- Media_Pack_2005.04.zip (mostly Japanese; 9 files) — "Media pack explained in the above AHM"
- Briefing_C_Borowik_2005.03.Jap.rev2 (Japanese) — "Briefing from Claire Borowik for the Family International (revised translation)"
Persecution notice 2005-04-14B
- AHM14PRB.04-update — Update on TBS
- MediaPack15JRD.04 — Clarification regarding Media Pack
Persecution notice 2005-04-16
- AHM16PRB.04 (English) — More about Friday, the media pack, rebuttals and prayer requests
- In a prophecy regarding the reporters from Friday magazine, Jesus states:
- Members of The Family are requested to "organize prayer vigils and pray throughout the day" against the Friday reporters.
- In another prophecy, Jesus claims that "the assembled anti-cult legions" are financing Friday magazine's investigative series.
- Members are requested to contact their children who are out of the cult, asking them to "avoid becoming involved with Friday or any other media."
Persecution notice 2005-04-16B
- Timely Note From PR Board (English) — Brief media tip
Persecution notice 2005-04-18
- 2005.04.18_Rbtl_to_Med1_Friday (Japanese) — "Rebuttal to the Friday article"
- 2005.04.12_(Eng)Rbtl_to_Med2_NewsWeek (English) — "Translation of the rebuttal to the Newsweek article"
Persecution notice 2005-04-19
- AHM19PRB.04 (English) — "Answer to reporters, Q&As, Announcements, Suggestions from you"
- Includes a list of possible scenarios of interaction with the press or authorities, and explains how Family members should respond or react in each case. I.e. members are not to give brochures of their local work to the media before first having such material inspected by The Family's PR Board.
- Mentions that a list of answers to possible media questions about the Davidito Book will be sent to members shortly, but "shouldn't be given to anyone."
- AHM16PRB.04 (Japanese) — "Translation of the recent AHM"
Persecution notice 2005-04-20
- AHM20PRB.04 (English and Japanese) — Update on Friday magazine
- AHM19PRB.04 (Japanese) — "Japanese translation of the recent AHM"
Persecution notice 2005-04-21
- F-Day_Reporters.jpg — "Photo of the Friday reporters" (collage)
Persecution notice 2005-04-22
- F-Day_Reporters2.jpg (English and Japanese) — "Photo of the Friday reporters, with their names"
- AHM22PRB.04 (English and Japanese) — "United attack through prayer!, Photo of 'Friday' reporters, Report Excerpts"
- All members are instructed to initiate a synchronized prayer attack on the Friday reporters at 9 AM every morning:
(Jesus speaking:) “There is power in united prayer. If all Japan would unite in prayer, the prayer would become a mighty cyclone in spirit that will throw the Friday reporters up into the air and slam them back onto the ground. …”
It’s good to pray several times throughout the day, and we hope you will continue to do so, but we felt that having a certain time at which all Japan is united in prayer would add the finishing touch, so to speak. … So please try to get together as a Home every day at nine o’clock in the morning to pray against the three reporters of “Friday” magazine. Thank you!
- Reasons are given as to why photos and names of Friday reporters are being distributed:
- Relates a story of Friday reporters concealing their occupation, and asks members to "Please pray that they will continue to make more silly mistakes and slip-ups so that they will lose their credibility."
- Requests prayer that "no other media agency will show interest in doing a story about us."
Persecution notice 2005-04-24
[Download] – All content of this email is in Japanese.
- 2005.04.24_Rbtl_to_Med1_Friday (Japanese) — "Rebuttal to the second Friday article"
Persecution notice 2005-04-26
- AHM26PRB.04 (English and Japanese) — "Update on 'Friday'"
Persecution notice 2005-04-27
- AHM27PRB.04 (English and Japanese) — "[Regarding:] April 27th 'Friday' article"
- Mentions that The Family thinks the latest Friday article helped them identify an alleged abuse victim ("former member Y") speaking to the magazine. It's explained that this will give them “ammunition” to use when refuting Friday's articles. (In a rebuttal sent three days prior, the existence of former member Y was questioned.)
Persecution notice 2005-04-30
- AHM30PRB.04 (English and Japanese) — "Third 'Friday' article; Reactions from General Public"
- Med_Q&A_Friday#3 (Japanese) — "Explanation/information regarding the 3rd Friday article"
- Persec_Reactions_No.02 (English and Japanese) — "Reactions from friends"
- Eng-2005.04.18_Rbtl_to_Med1_Friday (English) — "Translation of the rebuttal to Friday article #1"
- Eng-2005.04.24_Rbtl_to_Med1_Friday (English) — "Translation of the rebuttal to Friday article #2"
Persecution notice 2005-05-02
- Med_Q&A_Friday#3 (English) — "Information concerning the third libelous article on the Family International"
- Q&AforKids_CP_FED_Advisory_Eng (English) — "Helping your children answer questions from outsiders"
- Includes approved answers for 34 sample questions regarding education and lifestyle of Family children. It's explained that "It would be good to create an actual scenario and have the children answer," and that adults should "Dress up as a visitor and take turns asking them different homeschooling/Family-life-related questions."
Persecution notice 2005-05-04
- AHM04PRB.05 (English and Japanese) — "'Guided by Miracles,' Japanese study, To parents with former member children"
- Asks members to contact their children who have left the group to help them avoid "our detractors [who] are working feverishly in an attempt to win the former members to their side and have them attack the Family."
(Note: At least one email from between May 5 and 15 is known to be missing.)
Persecution notice 2005-05-16
- AHM16PRB.05 (English and Japanese) — "Prophecy and prayer requests"
Dream: I was in a hospital when two reporters from Friday magazine appeared and sat next to me. They were talking about the Family, and I became nervous. I couldn’t leave the hospital while the hospital personnel examined my papers, so I prayed desperately that they wouldn’t hear my name, or know my membership with the Family.
Prophecy: (Jesus:) You must remember that the Friday reporters can be anywhere. And it is not only Friday, for there are many other reporters in the world. There are also the “reporter’s acquaintances”. …
Your actions are not “private”. The act of going to a hospital may seem to be a personal thing, but the Enemy knows where you are, and is scheming to make other people take your words and deeds in a negative way.
Persecution notice 2005-05-21
- AHM21PRB.05 (English and Japanese) — "Computer security"
- Sent roughly 36 hours after the first of these Persecution Notices were posted on xFamily.org.
One inspiring thing about this is that they posted the whole Zip files, including many victories won, miracles performed, rebuttals, GP reactions, etc., which would give the readers good, balanced overview of the situations. PTL!
We don’t know who "Skanska" is, but we suppose that it’s a former member that has/had access to a Family computer. Since this didn't happen till just recently, it may be someone who visited a Family Home sometime after April 16th, or even just recently, and stole the files from a Family computer.
Whatever the case, you may want to look into your computer security, and make sure that the computer is password-protected and other security measures are taken, etc., so that not only AHMs but also other important files are securely protected.—Just like any other organizations, and even many individuals, would do.
Please just remember that nothing happens without the Lord’s permission. When we prayed about it the Lord said:
"(Jesus:) Be praiseful! Praise Me for the victories won. Praise Me for even these posts, as these messages would speak to those who are not really antagonistic. The detractors posted all the victories and miracles while trying to smear you. These words would speak to the former members who are not detractors."
- Package 1 (Apr.03–Apr.16, 2005) (12 emails; 573KB)
- Package 2 (Apr.18–May21, 2005) (12 emails; 270KB) — (At least one email between May 5 and 15 is known to be missing)