Jean Michel Ardolade

From XFamily - Children of God
Courtroom sketch of Jean Michel Ardolade, 1997-05-06

Jean Michel Ardolade is a former member of The Family. On June 4, 1993, he was arrested and jailed on charges of sexually abusing his daughters, then aged 15, 13, and 11 years old, over a period of several years[1][2] On the same day, his wife was also arrested and jailed on charges of knowing about the abuse but failing to report the crimes against her children.[1] In May 1997, he was sentenced by the Criminal Court of Alpes-Maritimes (France) to 19 years in prison.[3][4][5]

A 2006 book by Sam Ajemian listed the following information about Mr. Ardolade:

"FRANCE. A former member of the Family was sentenced to 19 years in prison for sexually abusing his three daughters. He told the court he was teaching his daughters about sex. His lawyer stated that his client's behavior was a direct result of his indoctrination in the Family. His wife was also sentenced to 3 or 4 years in prison for not reporting her husband's crimes to the authorities. "[6]


Notes and References

  1. 1.0 1.1 Deux membres d’une secte incarcérés. l'Humanité. 1993-06-17. URL: Accessed: 2008-01-18. (Archived by WebCite® at

    Deux membres d’une secte incarcérés
    Un père de sept enfants, se réclamant de Familles sans frontières, résurgence de la secte des Enfants de Dieu, a été mis en examen et incarcéré le 4 juin à Grasse pour viols aggravés sur mineurs par ascendant, ainsi que son épouse pour non-dénonciation de crime. Jean-Michel Ardolade, employé comme jardinier dans un établissement protégé, demeurant à Grasse, a reconnu avoir entretenu des rapports incestueux avec trois de ses filles âgées de quinze, treize et onze ans. Il a été confondu à la suite de révélations de sa fille aînée, qui a dénoncé ces abus sexuels dans un établissement de soins où elle avait été accueillie.

  2. editors are seeking information about this case. How long Mr. Arodolade was a member of The Family, when he left the organization and how much of the abuse he was convicted of occurred while he was a member of the organization is presently unknown to the xFamily editors.
  3. France 3: Secte Enfants de Dieu — 1997-05-04
  4. France 3: Tout images: secte enfants de dieu — 1997-05-06
  5. France 2: Jugement — 1997-05-06
  6. Ajemian, Sam.The Children of God Cult, aka The Family, 2006, 16.

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