Nationalise Re-organise Security-wise
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In a series of Mo Letters that members began to receive in in January 1979, David Berg introduced the Nationalise & Re-organise Security-wise (NRS) Revolution. The NRS series, which came out a year after the RNR, detailed a number of changes in Family policies, practices, leadership structure and security procedures.
The NRS Series
- Happy New Year 1979! The NRS Revolution! — DO No. 747, 1978-12-10.
- What Now? Persecution & Fleeing! NRS2 — DFO No. 748, 1978-12-14.
- Where To Now? NRS3 — DFO No. 749, 1978-12-14.
- Going Underground! NRS4 — DO No. 750, 1978-12-14.
- Why The Family? NRS5 — DFO No 752, 1978-12-20.
- Furlougher, Backslider or Supporter? NRS6 — DFO No. 756, 1979-01.
- The IRF! NRS7 — DFO No. 757, 1979-01.
- Flee! NRS8 — DO No. 758, 1979-01.
- The Four Deadly Sins! The DDDB! NRS9 — DO No. 759, 1979-01.
- Prayer For Protection! NRS10 — DO No. 765, 1978-11-12.
- A Job Well Done! A New Year's Eve Shocker! NRS11 — DFO No. 766, 1978-12-31.
Happy Ending, The--NRS 12 — DO No. 767 , 1979-01-01.
Door-To-Door Witnessing--NRS 13 — DFO No. 769 , 1979-01-05.
Maturation of a Movement, The--NRS 14 — DFO No 770. , 1979-01-05.
Coming of Age--NRS 15 — DFO No 771. , 1979-01-05.
Sorry, Judas--It's Too Late to Quit!--NRS 16 — DFO No. 772 , 1979-01-24.
Children in the World--NRS 17 — DFO No. 780 , 1978-10-5.