Thomas Hack

From XFamily - Children of God
Thomas Hack
Thomas Hack

Thomas Hack (American; born 25 April 1955) was a longtime Continental Officer for North America (NACRO) and is, as of July 2012, Executive Director of Activated Ministries. He is also a former Family Care Foundation Director. He is married to Eva Smith and, as of July 2012, they live in San Diego, California, USA.

Pseudonyms he has used include Abner and Chris.

Known addresses include:

  • 2120 Misson Road, Escondido, CA, 92029, USA
  • 11482 Alps Way, Escondido, CA, 92026, USA
  • 1665 Calmin Drive, Fallbrook, CA, 92028, USA (purchased on 2005-10-26)


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