XFamily - Children of God:Copyrights

From XFamily - Children of God

License by contributors

Contributors to xFamily.org, a collaboratively edited encyclopedia about The Family/Children of God cult, grant the operators and administrators of xFamily.org a non-exclusive worldwide perpetual royalty-free license to reproduce their eligible contributions, to incorporate their contributions into one or more collective works, to reproduce their contributions as incorporated into collective works and to create and reproduce derivative works. Eligible contributions include the original work of the contributor and works for which the contributor owns the copyright.

In addition to the above license, contributors may also choose to license their work under the GFDL (or another license) and/or release it into the public domain. Contributors who wish to release their contributions under both the GFDL and into the public domain can use Template:Public-Domain in their user profile page. Please note that works (and derivative works) licensed solely under the GFDL (including most Wikipedia articles) generally may not be used on xFamily.org. Exceptions may be made for individual articles or sections of the site (for example, we may choose to put the Help namespace under the GFDL) but this should first be discussed with and agreed to by the Editors.

Use of work by others

One of the goals of xFamily.org is to create a complete and comprehensive archive and library of information and multimedia content about The Family/Children of God cult. All submissions of material which are not your own original work must be clearly identified as such and credit must always be given to the original author or source. Use of material copyrighted by third parties generally falls into three categories:

  • material in the public domain
  • material which the copyright owner has given us permission to reproduce
  • material which can legally be used without permission (including use which we believe is covered by the "fair use" provisions of section 107 of U.S. Code Title 17 or any other applicable law)

Requests for permission to use material found on our site

If you wish to request permission to reproduce material found on our site, you may email us (editors AT xFamily DOT org). Please be as specific as possible.

Please note that for most of the material in our multimedia archive, we do not have sufficient rights to grant third parties such permission. However, there are a few exceptions and if we can, we may be able to grant you permission for some material under certain conditions or provide you information to assist you in identifying and locating the copyright owner or someone who may be able to grant you permission. In some cases, we may be able to provide higher resolution scans or video captures.

This article is a "stub". This means it is an incomplete article needing further elaboration.

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