Jean Michel Ardolade

From XFamily - Children of God
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Jean Michel Arbolade is a former member of The Family. In May 1997, he was sentenced by the Criminal Court of Alpes-Maritimes (France) to 19 years in prison for sexually abusing three children (his daughters) over a period of 8 years.[1][2]

A 2006 book by Sam Ajemian listed the following information about Mr. Arbolade:

"FRANCE. A former member of the Family was sentenced to 19 years in prison for sexually abusing his three daughters. He told the court he was teaching his daughters about sex. His lawyer stated that his client's behavior was a direct result of his indoctrination in the Family. His wife was also sentenced to 3 or 4 years in prison for not reporting her husband's crimes to the authorities. "

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Notes and References

  1. editors are seeking information about this case. How long Mr. Arobolade was a member of The Family, when he left the organization and how much of the abuse he was convicted of occurred while he was a member of the organization is presently unknown to the xFamily editors.
  2. Sources reporting his conviction and sentence include the following machine-translated summaries of June 1997 French television news coverage about the case in the video archives of Ina-L'Institut National De L'Audiovisuel:

    Ina Number: CAB97106884
    Programme Title: JUDGMENT(SENTENCE)
    Collection Title: JA2 20H
    Credits: Masure, Bruno
    Ina Keywords France ; Alpes-Maritimes ; Justice ; Criminal court ; News item ; Incest ; Sect First broadcast Date: 06/05/1997
    Running-time: 000000
    Summary: The criminal court of Alpes-Maritimes has 19-year-old condemned person of prison Jean Michel ARBOLADE, father of seven children, the former member of the sect of the Children of God, judged to have violated three of his daughters during eight years. - Short silent shots of the court and the condemned person.

    Ina Number: CAC97106968
    Collection Title: SOIR 3
    Credits: Soula, Judith ; Cottu, Lionel
    Ina Keywords France ; Alpes-Maritimes ; Company(Society) ; Justice ;
    Court ; Criminal court ; Lawsuit ; Sect ; Verdict ; Incest ; Court artist's drawing
    First broadcast Date: 06/05/1997
    Summary: Criminal court of ALPES-MARITIMES: verdict of the lawsuit for incest (rape of 3 of his(her) daughters) of the former member of the Sect of the Children of God, Jean Michel ARBOLAT was 19-year-old condemned person of prison. - PAN SHOT registration(inscription) "Criminal court" / VARIOUS SHOTS in the courtroom of the court / penal code / court artist's drawing / lawyer / the mother, the condemned person also for not denunciation.